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Sean "Forty-Bot" Anderson's 0x539 Linux Checklist v1.0


If a command errors or fails, try it again with sudo (or sudo !! to save typing)

Google anything and everything. If you don't know or understand something, google it

When you see the syntax $word, do not type it verbatim, but instead substitute the appropriate word (usually referenced in a previous command).

When the order of steps does not matter, bullet points have been used instead of ordinals.

To edit files, run gedit, a graphical editor akin to notepad; nano, a simple command-line editor; or vim, a powerful but less intuitive command-line editor. Note that vim may need to be installed with apt-get install vim.


  1. Read the readme

    Note down which ports/users are allowed.

  2. Do Forensics Questions

    You may destroy the requisite information if you work on the checklist!

  3. Secure root

    set PermitRootLogin no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  4. Secure Users

    1. Disable the guest user.

      Go to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and add the line


      Then restart your session with sudo restart lightdm. This will log you out, so make sure you are not executing anything important.

    2. Open up /etc/passwd and check which users

      • Are uid 0
      • Can login
      • Are allowed in the readme
    3. Delete unauthorized users:

      sudo userdel -r $user

      sudo groupdel $user

    4. Check /etc/sudoers.d and make sure only members of group sudo can sudo.

    5. Check /etc/group and remove non-admins from sudo and admin groups.

    6. Check user directories.

      1. cd /home
      2. sudo ls -Ra *
      3. Look in any directories which show up for media files/tools and/or "hacking tools."
    7. Enforce Password Requirements.

      1. Add or change password expiration requirements to /etc/login.defs.

        PASS_MIN_DAYS 7
        PASS_MAX_DAYS 90
        PASS_WARN_AGE 14
      2. Add a minimum password length, password history, and add complexity requirements.

        1. Open /etc/pam.d/common-password with sudo.
        2. Add minlen=8 to the end of the line that has pam_unix.so in it.
        3. Add remember=5 to the end of the line that has pam_unix.so in it.
        4. Locate the line that has pam.cracklib.so in it. If you cannot find that line, install cracklib with sudo apt-get install libpam-cracklib.
        5. Add ucredit=-1 lcredit=-1 dcredit=-1 ocredit=- to the end of that line.
      3. Implement an account lockout policy.

        1. Open /etc/pam.d/common-auth.
        2. Add deny=5 unlock_time=1800 to the end of the line with pam_tally2.so in it.
      4. Change all passwords to satisfy these requirements.

        chpasswd is very useful for this purpose.

  5. Enable automatic updates

    In the GUI set Update Manager->Settings->Updates->Check for updates:->Daily.

  6. Secure ports

    1. sudo ss -ln
    2. If a port has$port in its line, that means it's connected to loopback and isn't exposed. Otherwise, there should only be ports which are specified in the readme open (but there probably will be tons more).
    3. For each open port which should be closed:
      1. sudo lsof -i :$port
      2. Copy the program which is listening on the port. whereis $program
      3. Copy where the program is (if there is more than one location, just copy the first one). dpkg -S $location
      4. This shows which package provides the file (If there is no package, that means you can probably delete it with rm $location; killall -9 $program). sudo apt-get purge $package
      5. Check to make sure you aren't accidentally removing critical packages before hitting "y".
      6. sudo ss -l to make sure the port actually closed.
  7. Secure network

    1. Enable the firewall

      sudo ufw enable

    2. Enable syn cookie protection

      sysctl -n net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies

    3. Disable IPv6 (Potentially harmful)

      echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf

    4. Disable IP Forwarding

      echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

    5. Prevent IP Spoofing

      echo "nospoof on" | sudo tee -a /etc/host.conf

  8. Install Updates

    Start this before half-way.

    • Do general updates.

      1. sudo apt-get update.
      2. sudo apt-get upgrade.
    • Update services specified in readme.

      1. Google to find what the latest stable version is.
      2. Google "ubuntu install service version".
      3. Follow the instructions.
    • Ensure that you have points for upgrading the kernel, each service specified in the readme, and bash if it is vulnerable to shellshock.

  9. Configure services

    1. Check service configuration files for required services. Usually a wrong setting in a config file for sql, apache, etc. will be a point.

    2. Ensure all services are legitimate.

      service --status-all

  10. Check the installed packages for "hacking tools," such as password crackers.

  11. Run other (more comprehensive) checklists. This is checklist designed to get most of the common points, but it may not catch everything.


  • Netcat is installed by default in ubuntu. You will most likely not get points for removing this version.
  • Some services (such as ssh) may be required even if they are not mentioned in the readme. Others may be points even if they are explicitly mentioned in the readme


  • Michael "MB" Bailey and Christopher "CJ" Gardner without whose checklists this would never have been possible.
  • Alexander Dittman and Alistair Norton for being fellow linux buddies.
  • My 2015-16 CP team: Quiana Dang, Sieun Lee, Jasper Woolley, and David Randazzo.
  • In no particular order: Marcus Phoon, Joshua Hufnagel, Patrick Hufnagel, Michael-Andrew Keays, Christopher May, Garrett Brothers, Joseph Kelley, and Julian Vallyeason.
  • And the CyberPatriot program.

Creative Commons License
This checklist is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.













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