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GrumpyZhou/visloc-apr: Absolute Camera Pose Regression for Visual Localization

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Jupyter Notebook 92.3%

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Absolute Camera Pose Regression for Visual Localization

This repository provides implementation of PoseNet[Kendall2015ICCV], PoseNet-Nobeta[Kendall2017CVPR] which trains PoseNet using the loss learning the weighting parameter and PoseLSTM[Walch2017ICCV]. To use our code, first download the repository:

git clone [email protected]:GrumpyZhou/visloc-apr.git

Setup Running Environment

We tested the code on Linux Ubuntu 16.04.6 with

Python 3.7
Pytorch 1.0
CUDA 8.0

We recommend to use Anaconda to manage packages. Run following lines to automatically setup a ready environment for our code.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activte visloc_apr

Otherwise, one can try to download all required packages seperately according to their offical documentation. Comments:The code has also been tested with Python 3.5, Pytorch 0.4, but now we have upgraded to latest versions.

Prepare Datasets

Our code is flexible for evaluation on various localization datasets. We use Cambridge Landmarks dataset as an example to show how to prepare a dataset:

  1. Create data/ folder (optional)
cd visloc-apr/
mkdir data
cd data/
  1. Download Cambridge Landmarks Dataset under data/
  2. Visualize the data using notebooks/data_loading.ipynb .
  3. (Optional) One can also resize the dataset images so that shorter side has 256 pixels at once makes training faster.

Other Datasets

If you want to train it on other datasets, please make sure it has same folder structure as Cambridge Landmarks dataset:

-- dataset_scene/
---- dataset_train.txt
---- dataset_test.txt

Here, dataset_train.txt and dataset_test.txt are the pose label files. For more details about the pose label format, you can check the documentation of Cambridge Landmarks dataset.


We recommend to download pretrained model for PoseNet initialization. The weights are pretrained on Place dataset for place recognition and has been adapted for our PoseNet implementation. It can be downloaded by executing weights/download.sh. Use abspose.py for either training or testing. For detailed training options run python -m abspose -h from the repository root directory.

Training Examples

Here we show an example to train a PoseNet-Nobeta model on ShopFacade scene.

python -m abspose -b 75 --train -val 10 --epoch 1000 \
       --data_root 'data/CambridgeLandmarks' \
       --pose_txt 'dataset_train.txt' --val_pose_txt 'dataset_test.txt' \
       --dataset 'ShopFacade' -rs 256 --crop 224 \
       --network 'PoseNet'  --pretrained 'weights/googlenet_places.extract.pth'\
       --optim 'Adam' -eps 1.0 -lr 0.005 -wd 0.0001 \
       --learn_weighting  --homo_init 0.0 -3.0 \  
       --odir %output_dir%\

See more training examples in example.sh.

Training Visualization (optional)

We use Visdom server to visualize the training process. By default, training loss, validation accuracy( translation and rotation) are plotted to one figure. One can adapt it inside utils/common/visdom_templates.py to plot other statistics. It can turned on from training options as following.

# Visdom option 
  --visenv %s, -venv %s the visdom environment name
  --viswin %s, -vwin %s the title of the plot window
  --visport %d, -vp %d the port where the visdom server is running(default: 9333)
  --vishost %s, -vh %s the hostname where the visdom server is running(default: localhost)

# Append these options to the previous training command
  -vp 9333 -vh 'localhost' -venv 'PoseNet-Cambridge' -vwin 'nobeta.shop.lr5e-3_wd1e-4_sx0.0_sq-3.0'


Trained models

We provide some pretrained models here. One can also see how the output of the program there. However, we did not spend much effort in tuning trainnig parameters to improve the localization accuracy, since it is not essential for us.

  1. Test a model using abspose.py :
python -m abspose -b 75 --test \
       --data_root 'data/CambridgeLandmarks' \
       --pose_txt 'dataset_test.txt' \
       --dataset 'ShopFacade' -rs 256 --crop 224 \
       --network 'PoseNet'\
       --resume %checkpoint_path% 
       --odir %result_output_dir%
  1. Test using notebooks/evaluate_posenet.ipynb: We also provide notebook for evaluation which could be usful for further experiments with pretrained models.


# PoseNet Original Version
  Title                    = {PoseNet: A Convolutional Network for Real-Time 6-DOF Camera Relocalization},
  Author                   = {Kendall, Alex and Grimes, Matthew and Cipolla, Roberto},
  Booktitle                = {ICCV},
  Year                     = {2015},

  Optorganization          = {IEEE},
  Optpages                 = {2938--2946}

# PoseNet Learn Weights
author = {Kendall, Alex and Cipolla, Roberto},
title = {{Geometric Loss Functions for Camera Pose Regression With Deep Learning}},
booktitle = {CVPR},
year = {2017}

# PoseLSTM
title = {Image-Based Localization Using LSTMs for Structured Feature Correlation},
author = {Walch, Florian and Hazirbas, Caner and Leal-Taixe, Laura and Sattler, Torsten and Hilsenbeck, Sebastian and Cremers, Daniel},
booktitle = {ICCV},
year = {2017}













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