The above python script will generate two binary files: train_frames.bin and train_frames.bin inside of sequence directory, each file stores information of train or test frames (e.g. extrinsic and intrinsic matrix), and can be loaded wih pickle lib.
Download pre-trained pytorch model from Google Drive, unzip files to data folder.
It has two pre-trained model:
seven_scene_model.pth sa-net model trained with sun3d and use 7Scenes sequences for evaluation.
netvlad_vgg16.tar netvlad model used for query retrieval.
Compile python interface for vislearn/LessMore:
cd libs/lm_pnp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make all
Note: you may need to modify the variable PYTHON_EXECUTABLE in line 59 of CMakeLists.txt with your own python interpreter.