If you encounter any unexpected errors during the above, please refer to the troubleshooting page or the requirements page, as you might be missing development headers or other prerequisites.
The website deployment is automatically performed by GitHub Actions (when commits are pushed to the develop branch).
If for some reason you need to deploy from your local machine, follow these instructions:
Install the act executable to run GitHub Actions locally
Be aware that the date attribute in the asciidoc preamble defines when the article will be published. Use a present date while writing your article to test locally, then switch to the actual target date before submitting.
send a pull request against the develop branch and voilà
Translations/Localization (l10n)
The primary site (quarkus.io) is written in English.
There are separate repositories for community driven localized versions of quarkus.io:
If you want to contribute to those efforts read the README in those projects. If you would like to
start another translation, please open an issue in this main repo.
Enable DNS for l10n site
Once a localized site has enough of its content translated, DNS needs to be enabled. To do that get one of the Red Hat admins to submit
a ticket to IT asking for XX domain:
We need a CNAME record set up for XX.quarkus.io to have it serve out GitHub pages.
The CNAME record for XX.quarkus.io should point to "quarkusio.github.io.".