开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):robisim74/angular-l10n开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):TypeScript 93.1%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Angular l10n
This library is for localization of Angular apps. It allows, in addition to translation, to format dates and numbers through Internationalization API DocumentationArchitectureTable of ContentsInstallationnpm install angular-l10n --save UsageYou can find a complete sample app here and a live example on StackBlitz ConfigurationCreate the configuration: export const l10nConfig: L10nConfig = {
format: 'language-region',
providers: [
{ name: 'app', asset: i18nAsset }
cache: true,
keySeparator: '.',
defaultLocale: { language: 'en-US', currency: 'USD', timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles' },
schema: [
{ locale: { language: 'en-US', currency: 'USD', timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles', units: { 'length': 'mile' } }, dir: 'ltr', text: 'United States' },
{ locale: { language: 'it-IT', currency: 'EUR', timeZone: 'Europe/Rome', units: { 'length': 'kilometer' } }, dir: 'ltr', text: 'Italia' }
const i18nAsset = {
'en-US': {
greeting: 'Hello world!',
whoIAm: 'I am {{name}}',
devs: {
one: 'One software developer',
other: '{{value}} software developers'
'it-IT': {
greeting: 'Ciao mondo!',
whoIAm: 'Sono {{name}}',
devs: {
one: 'Uno sviluppatore software',
other: "{{ value }} sviluppatori software"
Import the modules and the configuration: @NgModule({
imports: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { } Getting the translationPure Pipes<!-- translate pipe -->
<p>{{ 'greeting' | translate:locale.language }}</p>
<!-- translate pipe with attributes -->
<p title="{{ 'greeting' | translate:locale.language }}">{{ 'greeting' | translate:locale.language }}</p>
<!-- Hello world! -->
<!-- translate pipe with params -->
<p>{{ 'whoIAm' | translate:locale.language:{ name: 'Angular l10n' } }}</p>
<!-- I am Angular l10n -->
<!-- l10nDate pipe -->
<p>{{ today | l10nDate:locale.language:{ dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'short' } }}</p>
<!-- Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 2:17 PM -->
<!-- l10nTimeAgo pipe -->
<p>{{ -4 | l10nTimeAgo:locale.language:'second':{ numeric:'always', style:'long' } }}</p>
<!-- 4 seconds ago -->
<!-- l10nNumber pipe -->
<p>{{ 1000 | l10nNumber:locale.language:{ digits: '1.2-2', style: 'currency' } }}</p>
<!-- $1,000.00 -->
<!-- l10nNumber pipe with convert function -->
<p>{{ 1000 | l10nNumber:locale.language:{ digits: '1.2-2', style: 'currency' }:locale.currency:convertCurrency:{ rate: 1.16 } }}</p>
<!-- $1,160.00 -->
<!-- l10nNumber pipe with unit & convert function -->
<p>{{ 1 | l10nNumber:locale.language:{ digits: '1.0-2', style: 'unit', unit: locale.units['length'] }:undefined:convertLength }}</p>
<!-- 0.62 mi -->
<!-- l10nPlural pipe -->
<p>{{ 2 | l10nPlural:locale.language:'devs':{ type: 'cardinal' } }}</p>
<!-- 2 software developers -->
<!-- l10nDisplayNames pipe -->
<p>{{ 'en-US' | l10nDisplayNames:locale.language:{ type: 'language' } }}</p>
<!-- American English --> Pure pipes need to know when the locale changes. So import export class PipeComponent {
constructor(@Inject(L10N_LOCALE) public locale: L10nLocale) { }
} or if you prefer the shortest export class PipeComponent {
locale = inject(L10N_LOCALE);
} Convert functionAn optional function to convert the value of numbers, with the same value, locale and destructured optional parameters in the signature: export const convertCurrency = (value: number, locale: L10nLocale, rate: number) => {
switch (locale.currency) {
case "USD":
return value * rate;
return value;
}; OnPush Change Detection StrategyTo support this strategy, there is an <p>{{ 'greeting' | translateAsync }}</p> Directives<!-- l10nTranslate directive -->
<p l10nTranslate>greeting</p>
<!-- l10nTranslate directive with attributes -->
<p l10n-title title="greeting" l10nTranslate>greeting</p>
<!-- l10nTranslate directive with params -->
<p [params]="{ name: 'Angular l10n' }" l10nTranslate>whoIAm</p>
<!-- l10nDate directive -->
<p [options]="{ dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'short' }" l10nDate>{{ today }}</p>
<!-- l10nTimeAgo directive -->
<p [options]="{ numeric:'always', style:'long' }" unit="second" l10nTimeAgo>-4</p>
<!-- l10nNumber directive -->
<p [options]="{ digits: '1.2-2', style: 'currency' }" l10nNumber>1000</p>
<!-- l10nNumber directive with convert function -->
<p [options]="{ digits: '1.2-2', style: 'currency' }" [convert]="convertCurrency" [convertParams]="{ rate: 1.16 }" l10nNumber>1000</p>
<!-- l10nNumber directive with unit & convert function -->
<p [options]="{ digits: '1.0-2', style: 'unit', unit: locale.units['length'] }" [convert]="convertLength" l10nNumber>1</p>
<!-- l10nPlural directive -->
<p [options]="{ type: 'cardinal' }" prefix="devs" l10nPlural>2</p>
<!-- l10nDisplayNames directive -->
<p [options]="{ type: 'language' }" l10nDisplayNames>en-US</p> You can dynamically change parameters and expressions values as with pipes, but not in attributes. APIs
export class ApiComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private translation: L10nTranslationService, private intl: L10nIntlService) { }
ngOnInit() {
next: (locale: L10nLocale) => {
// Texts
this.greeting = this.translation.translate('greeting');
this.whoIAm = this.translation.translate('whoIAm', { name: 'Angular l10n' });
// Dates
this.formattedToday = this.intl.formatDate(, { dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'short' });
this.formattedTimeAgo = this.intl.formatRelativeTime(-4, 'second', { numeric: 'always', style: 'long' });
// Numbers
this.formattedValue = this.intl.formatNumber(
{ digits: '1.2-2', style: 'currency' },
{ rate: 1.16 }
this.formattedLength = this.intl.formatNumber(
{ digits: '1.0-2', style: 'unit', unit: locale.units['length'] },
this.formattedOnePlural = this.intl.plural(1, 'devs', { type: 'cardinal' });
this.formattedOtherPlural = this.intl.plural(2, 'devs', { type: 'cardinal' });
Changing the localeYou can change the locale at runtime at any time by calling the <button *ngFor="let item of schema" (click)="setLocale(item.locale)">{{ item.locale.language | l10nDisplayNames:locale.language:{ type: 'language' } }}</button> export class AppComponent {
schema = this.l10nConfig.schema;
constructor(@Inject(L10N_CONFIG) private l10nConfig: L10nConfig, private translation: L10nTranslationService) { }
setLocale(locale: L10nLocale): void {
} It is not mandatory to use the schema provided during the configuration: it is possible to set the language or currency, or any other property of Customize the libraryThe following features can be customized. You just have to implement the indicated class-interface and pass the token during configuration. E.g. @Injectable() export class HttpTranslationLoader implements L10nTranslationLoader {
private headers = new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
constructor(@Optional() private http: HttpClient) { }
public get(language: string, provider: L10nProvider): Observable<{ [key: string]: any }> {
const url = `${provider.asset}-${language}.json`;
const options = {
headers: this.headers,
params: new HttpParams().set('v', provider.options.version)
return this.http.get(url, options);
export const l10nConfig: L10nConfig = {
providers: [
{ name: 'app', asset: './assets/i18n/app', options: { version: '1.0.0' } },
imports: [
translationLoader: HttpTranslationLoader
export class AppModule { } StorageBy default, the library does not store the locale. To store it implement the User LanguageBy default, the library attempts to set the locale using the user's browser language, before falling back on the default locale. You can change this behavior by implementing the Translation LoaderBy default, you can only pass JavaScript objects as translation data provider. To implement a different loader, you can implement the Translation FallbackYou can enable translation fallback during configuration: export const l10nConfig: L10nConfig = {
fallback: true,
}; By default, the translation data will be merged in the following order:
To change it, implement the Translation HandlerBy default, the library only parse the params. Missing Translation HandlerIf a key is not found, the same key is returned. To return a different value, you can implement the LoaderIf you need to preload some data before initialization of the library, you can implement the @Injectable() export class AppLoader implements L10nLoader {
constructor(private translation: L10nTranslationService) { }
public async init(): Promise<void> {
await ... // Some custom data loading action
await this.translation.init();