开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):cheekiang/uwb_localization开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Eagle 97.1%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):#uwb_localization Indoor/Outdoor Positioning System framework based on Decawave's DWM1000 Ultra Wide Band transceivers. The whole system was tested indoors with 3 anchors and 1 tag. Technically this should work outdoors as well. ###Hardware Both anchors and tags use the same circuit board. The board houses the UWB transceiver, an Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V and a built-in USB Male so you can plug it straight to a power bank and deploy the anchors remotely.
###Defining TF
###Parameters #####serial_port(default: '/dev/ttyUSB0') Tag's serial port. #####frame_id(default: 'uwb_tag') Tag's frame_id when transform's published from map to tag. #####min_anchor(default: 3) The mininum number of anchors the system must find before performing trilateration between anchors. Increase this if you want to improve the accuracy at the expense of computational cost. #####min_range(default: 0.5) The minimum probable distance from an anchor to a tag to prevent false reading. For example, if your anchor is hanging 1 m away from the floor, it makes sense to put 1 meter as minimum range since there's no way it will range less than 1 meter. #####max_range(default: 10.0) The maximum probable distance from an anchor to a tag to prevent false reading. For example, if your anchors are placed in 8 meter x 8 meter room, you can set the max_range less than or equal the hypotenuse of the room since ranges won't get any longer than that. |