Gradle plugin for generating localized string resources
This plugin generates Android string resource XML files from CSV or XLS(X) file.
Generation has to be invoked as additional gradle task. Java 1.8 is required.
Add localization extension in build.gradle of particular module.
localization {
csvGenerationCommand='/usr/bin/xlsx2csv translation.xlsx'OR
csvFileURI and xlsFileURI can be any valid URI, not necessarily Google Docs' one
xlsFile and xlsFileURI accepts both XLSX and XLS files. If filename ends with xls file will
be treated as XLS, XLSX otherwise
Sources, exactly one of them must be specified:
csvFile, xlsFile - CSV/XLS(X) file, Gradle's file() can be used to retrieve files by path relative to module location or absolute
csvFileURI, xlsFileURI - CSV/XLS(X) file URI
csvGenerationCommand - shell command which writes CSV as text to standard output.
Command string should be specified like for Runtime#exec().
Standard error of the command is redirected to the standard error of the process executing Gradle,
so it could be seen in the Gradle console.
Spreadsheet format:
defaultColumnName - default='default', name of the column which corresponds to default localization
(values folder)
nameColumnIndex - default=unset (nameColumnName is taken into account), index of the column containing key names (source for the name XML attribute)
nameColumnName - default='name' (if nameColumnIndex is not present), name of the column containing key names (source for the name XML attribute)
translatableColumnName - default='translatable', name of the column containing translatable flags
(source for the translatable XML attribute)
commentColumnName - default='comment', name of the column containing comments
formattedColumnName - default='formatted', name of the column formatted flags (source for the formatted XML attribute)
If both nameColumnIndex and nameColumnName are specified exception is thrown.
The following options turn off some character escaping and substitutions, can be useful if you have
something already escaped in source:
escapeApostrophes - default=true, if set to false apostrophes (') won't be escaped
escapeQuotes - default=true, if set to false double quotes (") won't be escaped
escapeNewLines - default=true, if set to false newline characters won't be escaped
convertTripleDotsToHorizontalEllipsis - default=true, if set to false triple dots (...) won't be converted to ellipsis entity …
escapeSlashes - default=true, if set to false slashes (\) won't be escaped
tagEscapingStrategy - default=IF_TAGS_ABSENT, defines X(H)TML tag brackets (< and >) escaping strategy
possible values:
ALWAYS - brackets are always escaped. E.g. "<" in source becomes "<" in output XML
NEVER - brackets are never escaped. E.g. "<" in source is passed without change to output XML
IF_TAGS_ABSENT - Brackets aren't escaped if text contains tags or CDATA section. E.g.
<b>bold</b> will be passed without change, but "if x<4 then…" becomes "if x<4 then…".
tagEscapingStrategyColumnName - default=unset (no column), name of the column containing non-default tag escaping strategy, if cell is non-empty then strategy
defined there is used instead of global one
sheetName - default=<name of the first sheet>, name of the sheet to be processed, only one can be specified,
ignored if useAllSheets is set to true
useAllSheets - default=false, if set to true all sheets are processed and sheetName is ignored
evaluateFormulas - default=false, if set to true evaluates formulas in cells
Advanced options:
ignorableColumns - default=[], columns from that list will be ignored during parsing. List should
contain column names e.g. ['Section', 'Notes']. Columns containing only empty cells are always ignored.
allowNonTranslatableTranslation - default=false, if set to true resources marked
non-translatable but translated are permitted
allowEmptyTranslations - default=false, if set to true then empty values are permitted
handleEmptyTranslationsAsDefault - default=false, if set to true empty values do not result in entries in non-default languages,
i.e. no empty XML entries for non-default languages are created. If set to true then allowEmptyTranslations is ignored for all but default language
outputFileName - default=strings.xml, XML file name (with extension) which should be generated as an output
outputIndent - default=(two spaces), character(s) used to indent each line in output XML files
skipInvalidName - default=false, if set to true then rows with invalid key names will be ignored instead
of throwing an exception
skipDuplicatedName - default=false, if set to true then rows with duplicated key names will be ignored instead
of throwing an exception. First rows with given key will be taken into account.
defaultLocaleQualifier - language (eg. es) and optionally region (eg. es_US) ISO codes of default translations.
Default=null(unset) which effectively means English en, if set then value will be placed in tools:locale
XML attribute. See Tools Attributes
for more information.
Migration from versions < 1.0.19
Since version 1.0.19 completely empty (effectively empty in case of XLS(X)) rows and columns are ignored. Moreover if qualifier (usually language code) is empty exception is thrown.
Previously behavior in such cases was undefined.
Migration from versions < 1.0.13:
Obsolete, non-scoped localization plugin id is no longer supported. The only valid id is pl.droidsonroids.localization.
Migration from versions < 1.0.7:
Versions older than 1.0.7 provided escapeBoundarySpaces option, which defaulted to true. Currently
strings are always escaped when corresponding parsed cell contains leading or trailing spaces,
but such spaces are stripped by default CSV strategy. So effectively strings are trimmed by default.
If you want to include mentioned spaces in output set appropriate csvStrategy.