treesitter: text
parsing library, provides better syntax highlighting and text-objects for
different coding languages (e.g. yaf yank-a-function), see
for defined text objects
lspconfig: configuration
quickstart for nvim's built in LSP
automatic installation of LSP servers using the :LspInstall command
null-ls.nvim: a lua
in-memory pseudo LSP server providing custom functionalities via the Neovim
LSP API, provides spelling word completion and lua code formatting using
set breakpoints and debug applications using Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP)
fidget.nvim: Eye candy LSP progress
indicator above the status line (top right)
Fuzzy search & file exploration
fzf-lua: the original, tried and
tested fuzzy finder, lua plugin that does pretty much everything, written by
yours truly
telescope.nvim: fuzzy
search framework for searching project files, buffers, ripgrep and much more
nvim-bqf: better quickfix and
location list, provides quickfix previews, history and fuzzy search, great
companion for both telescope and fzf after sending search results to a list
which-key: a must plugin in every
setup, when leader key (and some built-ins) sequence is pressed and times out
which-key will generate a help window with your keybinds and also let you
continue the sequence at your own pace
toggleterm.nvim: better term and
REPLs (use gx and gxx to send REPLs to an interpreter)