开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):PojavLauncherTeam/PojavLauncher_iOS开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Java 80.8%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):PojavLauncherNote
IntroductionPojavLauncher is a Minecraft: Java Edition launcher for Android and iOS based on Boardwalk. This launcher can launch most of available Minecraft versions (up to latest 1.19, including Combat Test versions). 1.17+ support is available as of v2.0, or with the workarounds described on our website. Modding via Forge and Fabric are also supported. Older versions of Forge and Fabric can be used with OpenJDK 8. This repository contains source code for iOS/iPadOS platform. For Android platform, check out PojavLauncher repository. This launcher is available on the Procursus repo, thanks to @Diatrus, and Doregon's Repository, thanks to @crystall1ndev Getting started with PojavLauncherThe PojavLauncher Website has extensive documentation on how to install, set up, and play! For those who wish to install quickly, here's the basics (on iOS 12 or later): Without jailbreak (sideload as IPA)Note: This is experimental, although game works smoothly, you should not set Render distance too much.
Procursus-bootstrapsNote: This is currently unavailable. Will be fixed soon! For the meantime, you can follow the same way as below. If you have Chimera, Taurine, Odyssey, or another jailbreak that comes with libhooker, this one's for you.
Bingner/Elucubratus bootstrapsIf you have unc0ver, checkra1n, or another jailbreak that comes with Cydia Substrate or Substitute, this one's for you. You can also use this if you have a libhooker jailbreak.
Known issues
ContributorsPojavLauncher is amazing, and surprisingly stable, and it wouldn't be this way without the following people that helped and contribute to the project! @khanhduytran0 - Lead iOS port developer Third party components and their licenses
Special thanks to MacStadium!This project is listed under the MacStadium Open Source Program, which allows all of us developers to keep on moving forward even without physical access to a Mac. |