The microlabs for the Generics chapter are all grouped together. So, you need to work through them package by package.
The following list is the package name followed by a quick description of the assignment.
StackArrayList -- Implement Stack<E> to use an ArrayList as a stack. You need to make the push, pop, and
isEmpty functions.
StackArray -- Implement Stack<E> to use an array as a stack. You'll need to potentially grow the array in the
push method. Do this first with an E[] array, and then again with an Object[] array. Both should compile
without warnings and pass the tests.
Table -- Implemented for you is Entry<K, V>.
Implement Table<K,V> so that it manages an ArrayList of Entry<K,V>. You must implement
get which takes a key and returns either the entry from the ArrayList with that key, or null if none is found.
put which takes a key and value and sets the value in the ArrayList to Entry(key, value);
Remember, a key point to exactly one value
remove which takes a key and removes it from the ArrayList if it's in there. It's a void method; no return type.
TableNested -- Take the previous microlab, and make Entry a nested class. Think about if it'll need to be generic
or not.
Swap -- Get the test to pass. Look at the specific values being passed in to help you figure it out. Modify the
tests, not the code.
ArrayListCombiner -- Write two methods, superCombiner and extendCombiner, which each take two arraylists and append
all of the items from the second to the first. superCombiner should use ? super E and extendCombiner should use
? extends E.
MapFunc -- Make a map method that takes an ArrayList and a Function<T,R> object and returns an arraylist
containing all of the elements of the first with the function applied to them.
Pair -- This is a multi-step one:
Create a Pair that stores a pair of elements of type E.
Create two methods, min and max, that return the largest and smallest of the Pair.
Create a utility class called Arrays and, in that, create a method
public static <___> Pair<E> firstLast(ArrayList<___> a)
That returns a Pair containing the first and last element of the array. NOTE: The <___> is there because you
need to fill in the blank.
In Arrays make two methods, min and max that returns the smallest and largest elements in the ArrayList.
In Arrays make a minMax function that returns a Pair with the minimum and maximum values of the ArrayList.