开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):diffplug/matconsolectl开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Java 99.7%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):MatConsoleCtl: Control MATLAB from JavaMatConsoleCtl is a Java API that allows calling MATLAB from Java. You can MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder builder = new MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder();
// setup the factory
// setCopyPasteCallback() connects to an existing MATLAB by copy-pasting a few lines into the command window
// setUsePreviouslyControlledSession() starts a new MATLAB or connects to a previously started MATLAB without any user intervention
MatlabProxyFactory factory = new MatlabProxyFactory(;
// get the proxy
MatlabProxy proxy = factory.getProxy();
// do stuff over the proxy
proxy.eval("disp('hello world!)")
proxy.setVariable("a", 5.0);
Object a = proxy.getVariable("a");
double actual = ((double[]) result)[0];
assert(actual == 5.0)
// disconnect the proxy
proxy.disconnect(); Javadoc links for MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder and MatlabProxy. Contributions are welcome, see the contributing guide for development info. DemoMatConsoleCtl includes a demo GUI. Below is a script you can use to run the demo inside of MATLAB: version = '4.6.0';
tempdir = 'matconsolectl_demo';
% make a directory to copy the jar into
% download the jar
URL = ['' version '/matconsolectl-' version '.jar'];
filename = [tempdir '/matconsolectl-' version '.jar'];
% add it to the path
javaaddpath([pwd '\' filename]);
% run it
matlabcontrol.demo.DemoMain You can also run the demo outside of MATLAB by downloading the jar, then running CompatibilityMatConsoleCtl works on Win/Mac/Linux, MATLAB R2007b through R2016b, and it will continue to work so long as MATLAB maintains the Java MATLAB Interface.* * On OS X 10.5, R2009a and earlier, you will need to do some hacking. matlabcontrol requires Java 6, and Apple only released 64-bit Java 6 for OS X 10.5, while MATLAB only released 32-bit MATLAB for R2009a and earlier. There are unofficial ways to run 32-bit Java 6 on OS X 10.5. AcknowledgementsThis is forked from the matlabcontrol project originally maintained on the now-defunct Google Code. The name was changed to ensure that we don't infringe the original project's license, but we did not change the package names, so this project is binary compatible with the original matlabcontrol. We are very thankful to Joshua Kaplan for creating matlabcontrol, but this fork is in no way associated with or endorsed by any authors of the original project. We have fixed some bugs and added some features (see the changelog), and we will maintain this library into the future. We're happy to accept pull requests too!