开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):PortfolioEffect/PE-HFT-Matlab开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):MATLAB 98.3%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):PortfolioEffectHFT Toolbox for MATLABMATLAB Toolbox/API to PortfolioEffect Quant service for high frequency trading (HFT) strategy backtests, intraday portfolio analysis and portfolio optimization. About PortfolioEffectPortfolioEffect platform employes high frequency microstructure model pipeline, cloud computing and server-side market data to enable classic portfolio analysis at intraday horizons. Toolbox InstallationAfter checkout add inner PortfolioEffectHFT folder to MATLAB's path using "Set Path" menu. Then call any method of the package in MATLAB editor to continue with the set-up:
Restart MATLAB to complete PortfolioEffect HFT toolbox set-up. Account CredentialsLocate API CredentialsAll portfolio computations are performed on PortfolioEffect cloud servers. To obtain a free non-professional account, you need to follow a quick sign-up process on our website Please use a valid sign-up address - it will be used to email your account activation link to enable API access then log in to you account and locate your API credentials on the main page: Set API CredentialsRun the following commands to set your account API credentials for the PortfolioEffect HFT MATLAB Toolbox.
You will need to do it only once as your credentials are stored between sessions on your local machine to speed up future logons. You would need to repeat this procedure if you change your account password or install PortfolioEffect HFT toolbox on another computer. You are now ready to call PortfolioEffect methods. Portfolio ConstructionUser DataUsers may supply their own historical datasets for index and position entries. This external data could be one a OHLC bar column element (e.g. 1-second close prices) or a vector of actual transaction prices that contains non-equidistant data points. You might want to pre-pend at least N =(4 x windowLength) data points to the beginning of the interval of interest which would be used for initial calibration of portfolio metrics. Create PortfolioMethod portfolio_create() takes a vector of index prices in the format (UTC timestamp, price) with UTC timestamp expressed in milliseconds from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 EST.
If index symbol is specified, it is silently ignored.
Add PositionsPositions are added using portfolio_addPosition() with 'priceData' in the same format as index price.
Server DataAt PortfolioEffect we are capturing and storing 1-second intraday bar history for a all NASDAQ traded equites (see symbology). This server-side dataset spans from January 2013 to the latest trading time minus five minutes. It could be used to construct asset portfolios and compute intraday portfolio metrics. Create PortfolioMethod portfolio_create() creates new asset portfolio or overwrites an existing portfolio object with the same name. When using server-side data, it only requires a time interval that would be treated as a default position holding period unless positions are added with rebalancing. Index symbol could be specified as well with a default value of "SPY" - SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust. Interval boundaries are passed in the following format:
For example:
Add PositionsPositions are added by calling portfolio_addPosition() method on a portfolio object with a list of symbols and quantities. For positions that were rebalanced or had non-default holding periods a 'time' argument could be used to specify rebalancing timestamps.
LicenseThis toolbox is released under the BSD license. See the file LICENSE. Usage of this toolbox with PortfolioEffect services shall be subject to the Terms of Service. CopyrightCopyright © 2015 PortfolioEffect |