开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):martin-danelljan/ECO开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):MATLAB 64.2%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):pytracking repository, which includes a PyTorch-based implementation of ECO and our most recent trackers ATOM (CVPR 2019) and DiMP (ICCV 2019).News: Check ourECOMatlab implementation of the Efficient Convolution Operator (ECO) tracker. PublicationDetails about the tracker can be found in the CVPR 2017 paper: Martin Danelljan, Goutam Bhat, Fahad Khan, Michael Felsberg. Please cite the above publication if you use the code or compare with the ECO tracker in your work. Bibtex entry: @InProceedings{DanelljanCVPR2017, Project Webpage ContactInstallationUsing git clone
Note: Without using gitYou could also downlad and install without using git. This is however not recommented since it will be harder to incorporate updates and you will not get the correct versions of matconvnet and PDollar Toolbox.
Lastly, perform steps 3. and 4. above. Description and InstructionsRunfilesThe files in the runfiles/ directory are uset to set parameters and run the tracker. You can create your own runfiles by copying an existing one and then play around with different parameters and feature combinations. These runfiles are included:
Tracking performance on the OTB-2015 dataset is shown bellow for different settings. For comparison, results of our previous trackers C-COT [3], SRDCF [4], DeepSRDCF [5] and DSST [6] are included. FeaturesThis package includes a quite general framework for feature extraction. You can easily incorporate your own features in the same manner by adding a corresponding "get_featureX.m" function. Currently, four types of features are included:
The tracker supports almost any combination of features. Currently, the only limitation is that you can only use deep features from a single network (but you can use several different layers from the same network). Each feature has its own parameter settings. You can set the cell size for each non-CNN feature independently. ECO does not assume the same cell size for all feature channels. For the CNN features, you can control the cell size by setting an additional down-sampling factor for each layer. See the runfile testing.m for examples of how to integrate different features. You can uncomment several features at once in the params.t_features cell array. fDSST Scale FilterThis reposetery also includes an implementation of the optimized scale filter, which was originally proposed in the fDSST [7]. It is here used in the ECO-HC version of the tracker for speeding-up the scale estimation. GPU SupportGPU support is activated by setting the parameter "params.use_gpu = true" in the runfile. This requires MatConvNet to be compiled with GPU support. If the install script fails, please visit for instructions. Integration Into OTBIt should be easy to integrate the tracker into the Online Tracking Benchmark [10]. The runfiles supports the OTB interface, so you just have to copy and rename the runfile you want to use and then add the necessary paths (see setup_paths.m). Integration Into VOTTo integrate the tracker into the Visual Object Tracking (VOT) challenge toolkit [11], check the VOT_integration folder. Copy the configuration file to your VOT workspace and set the path to the ECO reposetory inside it. The tracker now supports the trax protocol, which is necessary for VOT2017 version of the toolkit. Raw ResultsAll raw result files used in our CVPR 2017 paper can be found at the project webpage: Why Does the Result Change?Tracking performance may vary slightly on different machines and whether GPU support is activated. This is due to small numerical effects which can accumulate over time (all trackers are affected by this). Generally, this only affects the performance marginally. More significant changes are rare, but can occur in some videos. Code Referencesvisionml/pytracking: Python (PyTorch) implementation of ECO and general tracking library containing official implementation of our latest trackers ATOM and DiMP rockkingjy/OpenTracker: C++ Implementation of ECO and other trackers StrangerZhang/pyECO: Python implementation of ECO using numpy, mxnet and cupy References[1] Webpage: [2] Piotr Dollár. [3] Martin Danelljan, Andreas Robinson, Fahad Khan, Michael Felsberg. [4] Martin Danelljan, Gustav Häger, Fahad Khan, Michael Felsberg. [5] Martin Danelljan, Gustav Häger, Fahad Khan, Michael Felsberg. [6] Martin Danelljan, Gustav Häger, Fahad Khan and Michael Felsberg. [7] Martin Danelljan, Gustav Häger, Fahad Khan, Michael Felsberg. [8] J. van de Weijer, C. Schmid, J. J. Verbeek, and D. Larlus. [9] M. Felsberg. [10] Y. Wu, J. Lim, and M.-H. Yang. |