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daniel-nagy/md-data-table: Material Design Data Table for Angular Material

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: 网络 收藏 邀请

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开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):

JavaScript 71.1%

开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):

Material Design Data Table

This module is an effort to implement Material Design data tables in Angular Material. Data tables are used to present raw data sets and usually appear in desktop enterprise applications. Data tables are particularly useful for visualizing and manipulating large data sets.

Specification for Material Design data tables can be found here.


This software is provided free of charge and without restriction under the MIT License


A live demo.

A fork-able Codepen. Please use this to reproduce any issues you may be experiencing.


Using Bower

This package is installable through the Bower package manager.

bower install angular-material-data-table --save

In your index.html file, include the data table module and style sheet.

<!-- style sheet -->
<link href="bower_components/angular-material-data-table/dist/md-data-table.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<!-- module -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-material-data-table/dist/md-data-table.min.js"></script>

Include the md.data.table module as a dependency in your application.

angular.module('myApp', ['ngMaterial', 'md.data.table']);

Using npm and Browserify (or JSPM)

In addition, this package may be installed using npm.

npm install angular-material-data-table --save

You may use Browserify to inject this module into your application.

angular.module('myApp', [require('angular-material-data-table')]);


Example Controller

// Assume we have a $nutrition service that provides an API for communicating with the server

angular.module('demoApp').controller('sampleController', ['$nutrition', '$scope', function ($nutrition, $scope) {
  'use strict';
  $scope.selected = [];
  $scope.query = {
    order: 'name',
    limit: 5,
    page: 1
  function success(desserts) {
    $scope.desserts = desserts;
  $scope.getDesserts = function () {
    $scope.promise = $nutrition.desserts.get($scope.query, success).$promise;


Example Template

<md-toolbar class="md-table-toolbar md-default">
  <div class="md-toolbar-tools">

<!-- exact table from live demo -->
  <table md-table md-row-select multiple ng-model="selected" md-progress="promise">
    <thead md-head md-order="query.order" md-on-reorder="getDesserts">
      <tr md-row>
        <th md-column md-order-by="nameToLower"><span>Dessert (100g serving)</span></th>
        <th md-column md-numeric md-order-by="calories.value"><span>Calories</span></th>
        <th md-column md-numeric>Fat (g)</th>
        <th md-column md-numeric>Carbs (g)</th>
        <th md-column md-numeric>Protein (g)</th>
        <th md-column md-numeric>Sodium (mg)</th>
        <th md-column md-numeric>Calcium (%)</th>
        <th md-column md-numeric>Iron (%)</th>
    <tbody md-body>
      <tr md-row md-select="dessert" md-select-id="name" md-auto-select ng-repeat="dessert in desserts.data">
        <td md-cell>{{dessert.name}}</td>
        <td md-cell>{{dessert.calories.value}}</td>
        <td md-cell>{{dessert.fat.value | number: 1}}</td>
        <td md-cell>{{dessert.carbs.value}}</td>
        <td md-cell>{{dessert.protein.value | number: 1}}</td>
        <td md-cell>{{dessert.sodium.value}}</td>
        <td md-cell>{{dessert.calcium.value}}{{dessert.calcium.unit}}</td>
        <td md-cell>{{dessert.iron.value}}{{dessert.iron.unit}}</td>

<md-table-pagination md-limit="query.limit" md-limit-options="[5, 10, 15]" md-page="query.page" md-total="{{desserts.count}}" md-on-paginate="getDesserts" md-page-select></md-table-pagination>

API Documentation


Earlier Versions

Tables are sorted alphabetically by their first column. I will be camelCasing attributes in tables (otherwise the cells would wrap and be difficult to read) but don't forget to kebab-case them in your template.

Column Sorting

Attribute Element Type Description
mdDesc mdColumn [expression] If present, the column will sort descending first. The default is to sort ascending first.
mdOnReorder mdHead function A callback function for when the order changes. The callback will receive the new order.
mdOrder mdHead string A variable to bind the sort order to.
mdOrderBy mdColumn string The value to bind to the sort order.

When the user clicks the md-column element, the value of the md-order-by attribute will be bound to the variable provided to the md-order attribute on the md-head element. If the column is already sorted by that value, a minus sign - will be prefixed to the value. For most query languages, this is the universal symbol to sort descending.

The variable can be used to send a query to the server or as the orderBy property of an ng-repeat expression.

Example Using ngRepeat

  <table md-table>
    <thead md-head md-order="myOrder">
      <!-- when the user clicks this cell, the myOrder variable will get the value 'nameToLower' -->
      <th md-column md-order-by="nameToLower">Dessert (100g serving)</th>
      <!-- the variable myOrder will not be changed when this cell is clicked -->
      <th md-column md-numeric>Calories</th>
    <tbody md-body>
      <!-- we can let ng-repeat sort the columns for us -->
      <tr ng-repeat="dessert in desserts | orderBy: myOrder"></tr>

Edit Dialogs

Tables may require basic text editing. This module includes a service for displaying edit dialogs to modify text or anything else really. The service provides presets for both small and large edit dialogs designed for manipulating text. It also has full support for creating custom dialogs so you can be as creative as you want to be.

Unlike Angular Material dialogs, the preset methods will open the dialog.


  • The dialog will always receive a new isolated scope.
  • You must provide a targetEvent and the event target must be a table cell.


$scope.editComment = function (event, dessert) {
  // if auto selection is enabled you will want to stop the event
  // from propagating and selecting the row
   * messages is commented out because there is a bug currently
   * with ngRepeat and ngMessages were the messages are always
   * displayed even if the error property on the ngModelController
   * is not set, I've included it anyway so you get the idea
  var promise = $mdEditDialog.small({
    // messages: {
    //   test: 'I don\'t like tests!'
    // },
    modelValue: dessert.comment,
    placeholder: 'Add a comment',
    save: function (input) {
      dessert.comment = input.$modelValue;
    targetEvent: event,
    validators: {
      'md-maxlength': 30

  promise.then(function (ctrl) {
    var input = ctrl.getInput();

    input.$viewChangeListeners.push(function () {
      input.$setValidity('test', input.$modelValue !== 'test');

Small Edit Dialogs

Parameter Type Description
options object Small preset options.
Property Type Default Description
clickOutsideToClose bool true The user can dismiss the dialog by clicking anywhere else on the page.
disableScroll bool true Prevent user scroll while the dialog is open.
escToClose bool true The user can dismiss the dialog by clicking the esc key.
focusOnOpen bool true Will search the template for an md-autofocus element.
messages object null Error messages to display corresponding to errors on the ngModelController.
modelValue string null The initial value of the input element.
placeholder string null Placeholder text for input element.
save function null A callback function for when the use clicks the save button. The callback will receive the ngModelController. The dialog will close unless the callback returns a rejected promise.
targetEvent event null The event object. This must be provided and it must be from a table cell.
type string "text" The value of the type attribute on the input element.
validators object null Optional attributes to be placed on the input element.

The small method will return a promise that will resolve with the controller instance. The controller has two public methods, dismiss which will close the dialog without saving and getInput which will return the ngModelController.

Large Edit Dialogs

Large edit dialogs are functionally identical to small edit dialogs but have a few additional options.

Parameter Type Description
options object Large preset options.
Property Type Default Description
cancel string "Cancel" Text to dismiss the dialog without saving.
clickOutsideToClose bool true The user can dismiss the dialog by clicking anywhere else on the page.
disableScroll bool true Prevent user scroll while the dialog is open.
escToClose bool true The user can dismiss the dialog by clicking the esc key.
focusOnOpen bool true Will search the template for an md-autofocus element.
messages object null Error messages to display corresponding to errors on the ngModelController.
modelValue string null The initial value of the input element.
ok string "Save" Text to submit and dismiss the dialog.
placeholder string null Placeholder text for input element.
save function null A callback function for when the use clicks the save button. The callback will receive the ngModelController. The dialog will close unless the callback returns a rejected promise.
targetEvent event null The event object. This must be provided and it must be from a table cell.
title string "Edit" Dialog title text.
type string "text" The value of the type attribute on the input element.
validators object null Optional attributes to be placed on the input element.

The large method will return a promise that will resolve with the controller instance. The controller has two public methods, dismiss which will close the dialog without saving and getInput which will return the ngModelController.

Roll Your Own

Parameter Type Description
options object Dialog options.
Property Type Default Description
bindToController bool false If true, properties on the provided scope object will be bound to the controller
clickOutsideToClose bool true The user can dismiss the dialog by clicking anywhere else on the page.
controller function string null Either a constructor function or a string register with the $controller service. The controller will be automatically injected with $scope and $element. Remember to annotate your controller if you will be minifying your code.
controllerAs string null An alias to publish your controller on the scope.
disableScroll bool true Prevent user scroll while the dialog is open.
escToClose bool true The user can dismiss the dialog by clicking the esc key.
focusOnOpen bool true Will search the template for an md-autofocus element.
locals object null Optional dependancies to be injected into your controller. It is not necessary to inject registered services, the $injector will provide them for you.
resolve object null Similar to locals but waits for promises to be resolved. Once the promises resolve, their return value will be injected into the controller and the dialog will open.
scope object null Properties to bind to the new isolated scope.
targetEvent event null The event object. This must be provided and it must be from a table cell.
template string null The template for your dialog.
templateUrl string null A URL to fetch your template from.

The show method will return a promise that will resolve with the controller instance.

Table cells have a md-placeholder CSS class that you can use for placeholder text.

Example: A Table Cell That Opens An Edit Dialog

<td md-cell ng-click="editComment($event, dessert)" ng-class="{'md-placeholder': !dessert.comment}">
  {{dessert.comment || 'Add a comment'}}

Inline Menus

Table cells support inline menus. To use an inline menu, place an md-select element inside an md-cell element.


<td md-cell>
  <md-select ng-model="dessert.type" placeholder="Other">
    <md-option ng-value="type" ng-repeat="type in getTypes()">{{type}}</md-option>

Clicking anywhere in the cell will activate the menu. In addition, if you have automatic row selection enabled the row will not be selected when the cell is clicked.

Numeric Columns

Numeric columns align to the right of table cells.

Attribute Element Type Description
mdNumeric mdColumn [expression] If the expression is null or evaluates to true then all the cells in that column will be right aligned

You may use Angular's number filter on a cell to set the decimal precision.

<!-- 2 decimal places -->
<td md-cell>{{dessert.protein.value | number: 2}}</td>

If you are using colspan you may need to manual correct the alignment and padding of cells. You can override the cell's style with a custom CSS class.


Attribute Type Description
mdBoundaryLinks [expression] Displays first and last page navigation links
mdLabel object Change the pagination label (see more below).
mdLimit integer A row limit.
mdLimitOptions array Row limit options (see more below).
mdOnPaginate function A callback function for when the page or limit changes. The page is passed as the first argument and the limit is passed as the second argument.
mdPage integer Page number. Pages are not zero indexed. The directive assumes the first page is one.
mdPageSelect [expression] Display a select dropdown for the page number
mdTotal integer Total number of items.
ngDisabled [expression] Disable pagination elements.

The md-label attribute has the following properties.

Property Type Default
of string 'of' (e.g. x - y of z)
page string 'Page:'
rowsPerPage string 'Rows per page:'

The md-limit-options attribute supports integers or objects with the properties label and value. The latter is convenient for when you want to use language to give meaning to individual options, e.g.

// the 'All' option will show all items in the collection
ctrl.limitOptions = [5, 10, 15, {
  label: 'All',
  value: function () {
    return collection.length;

Example: Changing The Pagination Label

<!-- how to change the pagination label -->
<md-table-pagination md-label="{page: 'Página:', rowsPerPage: 'Filas por página:', of: 'de'}"></md-table-pagination>

<!-- or if the label is defined on the scope -->
<md-table-pagination md-label="{{label}}"></md-table-pagination>

I used Google translate so if the translations are wrong please fix them and make a pull request.

Example: Client Side Pagination Using ngRepeat














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