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robertoszek/pleroma-bot: Bot for mirroring one or multiple Twitter accounts in P ...

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: 网络 收藏 邀请

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开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):


开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):

Python 98.3%

开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):

Stork (pleroma-bot)

Build Status Version AUR version codecov Python 3.6 License


Mirror your favorite Twitter accounts in the Fediverse, so you can follow their updates from the comfort of your favorite instance. Or migrate your own to the Fediverse using a Twitter archive.


You can find this project at:

GitHub Gitlab Gitea
pleroma-bot pleroma-bot pleroma-bot


Mastodon Pleroma Misskey
Mastodon Pleroma Misskey


After using the pretty cool mastodon-bot for a while, I found it was lacking some actions which were of use to me.

For precisely those cases I've written this Python project that automates them, asking such info to Twitter's API and updating the relevant fields on the Pleroma API/Mastodon API/Misskey API side.


So basically, it does the following:

  • Can parse a Twitter archive, moving all your tweets to the Fediverse
  • Retrieves latest tweets and posts them on the Fediverse account if their timestamp is newer than the last post.
    • Can filter out RTs or not
    • Can filter out replies or not
  • Media retrieval and upload of multiple attachments. This includes:
    • Video
    • Images
    • Animated GIFs
    • Polls
  • Retrieves profile info from Twitter and updates it in on the Fediverse account. This includes:
    • Display name
    • Profile picture
    • Banner image
    • Bio text
  • Adds some metadata fields to the Fediverse account, pointing to the original Twitter account or custom text.


Using pip

$ pip install pleroma-bot

Using a package manager

Here's a list of the available packages.

Package type Link Maintainer
AUR (Arch) https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-pleroma-bot robertoszek


$ pleroma-bot [-c CONFIG] [-l LOG] [--noProfile] [--daemon] [--forceDate [FORCEDATE]] [-a ARCHIVE]
Bot for mirroring one or multiple Twitter accounts in Pleroma/Mastodon.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path of config file (config.yml) to use and parse. If
                        not specified, it will try to find it in the current
                        working directory.
  -d, --daemon          run in daemon mode. By default it will re-run every
                        60min. You can control this with --pollrate
  -p POLLRATE, --pollrate POLLRATE
                        only applies to daemon mode. How often to run the
                        program in the background (in minutes). By default is
  -l LOG, --log LOG     path of log file (error.log) to create. If not
                        specified, it will try to store it at your config file
  -n, --noProfile       skips Fediverse profile update (no background image,
                        profile image, bio text, etc.)
  --forceDate [FORCEDATE]
                        forces the tweet retrieval to start from a specific
                        date. The twitter_username value (FORCEDATE) can be
                        supplied to only force it for that particular user in
                        the config
  -s, --skipChecks      skips first run checks
  -a ARCHIVE, --archive ARCHIVE
                        path of the Twitter archive file (zip) to use for
                        posting tweets.
  --verbose, -v
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Before running

You'll need the following:

If you plan on retrieving tweets from an account which has their tweets protected, you'll also need the following:

  • Consumer Key and Secret. You'll find them on your project app keys and tokens section at Twitter's Developer Portal
  • Access Token Key and Secret. You'll also find them on your project app keys and tokens section at Twitter's Developer Portal. Alternatively, you can obtain the Access Token and Secret by running this locally, while being logged in with a Twitter account which follows or is the owner of the protected account

You'll also need Elevated access in your Twitter's API project in order for the bot to function properly.

Refer to the docs for more info about this.


Create a config.yml file in the same path where you are calling pleroma-bot (or use the --config argument to specify a different path).

There's a config example in this repo called config.yml.sample that can help you when filling yours out.

For more information you can refer to the "Configuration" page on the docs.

Here's what a minimal config looks like:

# Change this to your target Fediverse instance
pleroma_base_url: https://pleroma.instance
# How many tweets to get in every execution
# Twitter's API hard limit is 3,200
max_tweets: 40
# Twitter bearer token
- twitter_username: User1
  pleroma_username: MyPleromaUser1
  # Mastodon/Pleroma bearer token


If you're running the bot for the first time it will ask you for the date you wish to start retrieving tweets from (it will gather all from that date up to the present). If you leave it empty and just press enter it will default to the oldest date that Twitter's API allows ('2010-11-06T00:00:00Z') for tweet retrieval.

To force this behaviour in future runs you can use the --forceDate argument (be careful, no validation is performed with the already posted toots/posts by that Fediverse account and you can end up with duplicates posts/toots!).

Additionally, you can provide a twitter_username if you only want to force the date for one user in your config.

For example:

$ pleroma-bot --forceDate WoolieWoolz

If the --noProfile argument is passed, the profile picture, banner, display name and bio will not be updated on the Fediverse account. However, it will still gather and post the tweets following your config's parameters.

NOTE: An error.log file will be created at the path from which pleroma-bot is being called.

crontab entry example

(everyday at 6:15 AM) update profile and (every 10 min.) post new tweets:

# Post tweets every 10 min
*/10 * * * * cd /home/robertoszek/myvenv/ && . bin/activate && pleroma-bot noProfile

# Update pleroma profile with Twitter info every day at 6:15 AM
15 6 * * * cd /home/robertoszek/myvenv/ && . bin/activate && pleroma-bot





These projects proved to be immensely useful, they are Python wrappers for the Mastodon API and Twitter API respectively:

They were part of the impetus for this project, challenging myself to not just import them and use them, instead opting to directly do the heavy lifting with built-in python modules.

That and mastodon-bot not working after upgrading the Pleroma instance I was admin on













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