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kivikakk/comrak: CommonMark + GFM compatible Markdown parser and renderer

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Rust 90.2%

开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):


Build Status Spec Status: 671/671 Financial Contributors on Open Collective crates.io version docs.rs

Rust port of github's cmark-gfm.


Specify it as a requirement in Cargo.toml:

comrak = "0.14"

Comrak supports Rust stable.

Mac & Linux Binaries

curl https://webinstall.dev/comrak | bash

Windows 10 Binaries

curl.exe -A "MS" https://webinstall.dev/comrak | powershell


$ comrak --help
comrak 0.14.0
Ashe Connor <[email protected]>
A 100% CommonMark-compatible GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and formatter

    comrak [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [FILE]...

        --escape             Escape raw HTML instead of clobbering it
        --gfm                Enable GitHub-flavored markdown extensions strikethrough, tagfilter, table, autolink, and
                             tasklist. It also enables --github-pre-lang.
        --github-pre-lang    Use GitHub-style <pre lang> for code blocks
        --hardbreaks         Treat newlines as hard line breaks
    -h, --help               Prints help information
        --smart              Use smart punctuation
        --unsafe             Allow raw HTML and dangerous URLs
    -V, --version            Prints version information

    -c, --config-file <PATH>                    Path to config file containing command-line arguments, or `none'
                                                [default: /Users/kivikakk/.config/comrak/config]
        --default-info-string <INFO>            Default value for fenced code block's info strings if none is given
    -e, --extension <EXTENSION>...              Specify an extension name to use [possible values: strikethrough,
                                                tagfilter, table, autolink, tasklist, superscript, footnotes,
    -t, --to <FORMAT>                           Specify output format [default: html]  [possible values: html,
        --front-matter-delimiter <DELIMITER>    Ignore front-matter that starts and ends with the given string
        --header-ids <PREFIX>                   Use the Comrak header IDs extension, with the given ID prefix
        --list-style <LIST_STYLE>               Specify bullet character for lists (-, +, *) in CommonMark ouput
                                                [default: dash]  [possible values: dash, plus, star]
    -o, --output <FILE>                         Write output to FILE instead of stdout
        --syntax-highlighting <THEME>           Syntax highlighting for codefence blocks. Choose a theme or 'none' for
                                                disabling. [default: base16-ocean.dark]
        --width <WIDTH>                         Specify wrap width (0 = nowrap) [default: 0]

    <FILE>...    The CommonMark file to parse; or standard input if none passed

By default, Comrak will attempt to read command-line options from a config file specified by --config-file.  This
behaviour can be disabled by passing --config-file none.  It is not an error if the file does not exist.

And there's a Rust interface. You can use comrak::markdown_to_html directly:

use comrak::{markdown_to_html, ComrakOptions};
assert_eq!(markdown_to_html("Hello, **世界**!", &ComrakOptions::default()),
           "<p>Hello, <strong>世界</strong>!</p>\n");

Or you can parse the input into an AST yourself, manipulate it, and then use your desired formatter:

extern crate comrak;
use comrak::{parse_document, format_html, Arena, ComrakOptions};
use comrak::nodes::{AstNode, NodeValue};

// The returned nodes are created in the supplied Arena, and are bound by its lifetime.
let arena = Arena::new();

let root = parse_document(
    "This is my input.\n\n1. Also my input.\n2. Certainly my input.\n",

fn iter_nodes<'a, F>(node: &'a AstNode<'a>, f: &F)
    where F : Fn(&'a AstNode<'a>) {
    for c in node.children() {
        iter_nodes(c, f);

iter_nodes(root, &|node| {
    match &mut node.data.borrow_mut().value {
        &mut NodeValue::Text(ref mut text) => {
            let orig = std::mem::replace(text, vec![]);
            *text = String::from_utf8(orig).unwrap().replace("my", "your").as_bytes().to_vec();
        _ => (),

let mut html = vec![];
format_html(root, &ComrakOptions::default(), &mut html).unwrap();

    "<p>This is your input.</p>\n\
     <li>Also your input.</li>\n\
     <li>Certainly your input.</li>\n\


As with cmark and cmark-gfm, Comrak will scrub raw HTML and potentially dangerous links. This change was introduced in Comrak 0.4.0 in support of a safe-by-default posture.

To allow these, use the unsafe_ option (or --unsafe with the command line program). If doing so, we recommend the use of a sanitisation library like ammonia configured specific to your needs.


Comrak supports the five extensions to CommonMark defined in the GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec:

Comrak additionally supports its own extensions, which are yet to be specced out (PRs welcome!):

  • Superscript
  • Header IDs
  • Footnotes
  • Description lists
  • Front matter

By default none are enabled; they are individually enabled with each parse by setting the appropriate values in the ComrakOptions struct.


Codefence syntax highlighter

At the moment syntax highlighting of codefence blocks is the only feature that can be enhanced with plugins.

Create an implementation of the SyntaxHighlighterAdapter trait, and then provide an instance of such adapter to ComrakPlugins.render.codefence_syntax_highlighter. For formatting a markdown document with plugins, use the markdown_to_html_with_plugins function, which accepts your plugin as a parameter.

See the syntax_highlighter.rs and syntect.rs examples for more details.


syntect is a syntax highlighting library for Rust. By default, comrak offers a plugin for it. In order to utilize it, create an instance of plugins::syntect::SyntectAdapter and use it as your ComrakPlugins option.

Related projects

Comrak's design goal is to model the upstream cmark-gfm as closely as possible in terms of code structure. The upside of this is that a change in cmark-gfm has a very predictable change in Comrak. Likewise, any bug in cmark-gfm is likely to be reproduced in Comrak. This could be considered a pro or a con, depending on your use case.

The downside, of course, is that the code is not what I'd call idiomatic Rust (so many RefCells), and while contributors and I have made it as fast as possible, it simply won't be as fast as some other CommonMark parsers depending on your use-case. Here are some other projects to consider:

  • Raph Levien's pulldown-cmark. It's very fast, uses a novel parsing algorithm, and doesn't construct an AST (but you can use it to make one if you want). cargo doc uses this, as do many other projects in the ecosystem.
  • Ben Navetta's rcmark is a set of bindings to libcmark. It hasn't been updated in a while, though there's an open pull request.
  • Know of another library? Please open a PR to add it!

As far as I know, Comrak is the only library to implement all of the GitHub Flavored Markdown extensions to the spec, but this tends to only be important if you want to reproduce GitHub's Markdown rendering exactly, e.g. in a GitHub client app.


Contributions are highly encouraged; where possible I practice Optimistic Merging as described by Peter Hintjens. Please keep the code of conduct in mind when interacting with this project.

Thank you to comrak's many contributors for PRs and issues opened!

Code Contributors

Financial Contributors

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Ashe Connor <ashe kivikakk ee>


Copyright (c) 2017–2021, Ashe Connor. Licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License.

cmark itself is is copyright (c) 2014, John MacFarlane.

See COPYING for all the details.








AnotherNote/anote: another markdown note (Not maintained)发布时间:2022-08-18
madskristensen/MarkdownEditor2022: A Visual Studio extension发布时间:2022-08-18





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