Required for 32-bit versions of macOS (10.4 and 10.5, and 10.6 in 32-bit mode). EFI runtime services and NVRAM are unavailable in those versions due to incompatiblities with the Hyper-V UEFI.
On older versions of macOS, the following kernel extensions may need to be Force injected. Refer to the OpenCore Configuration manual for details.
Comment = Disables _hpet_init due to no HPET hardware present
Count = 1
Identifier = kernel
MaxKernel = 9.5.99
Replace = C3
Disable IOHIDDeviceShim::newTransportString()
Arch = i386
Base = __ZNK15IOHIDDeviceShim18newTransportStringEv
Comment = Fix crash in IOHIDDeviceShim::newTransportString() caused by NULL _deviceType
Count = 1
Identifier =
MaxKernel = 9.6.99
MinKernel = 9.5.0
Replace = 31C0C3
Disable scaling factor for X/Y mouse movement
Arch = i386
Base = __ZN16IOHIDEventDriver21handleInterruptReportE12UnsignedWideP18IOMemoryDescriptor15IOHIDReportTypem
Comment = Workaround for absence of AbsoluteAxisBoundsRemovalPercentage in 10.4
Identifier =
Find = BA1F85EB51
MaxKernel = 8.11.99
MinKernel = 8.0.0
Replace = BA00000000
DummyPowerManagement and CPU spoofing may be required depending on the host CPU for older versions of macOS.
Boot arguments
-legacy is required for running 32-bit versions of macOS (10.4 - 10.5, 10.6 if running in 32-bit mode). 64-bit applications and NVRAM support are unavailable in those versions.
DisableSecurityPolicy - required on Windows 10 and newer
Installer image creation
Installer images can either be passed in from USB hard disks, or converted from a DMG to a VHDX image using qemu-img:
DMGs need to be in a read/write format first.
qemu-img convert -f raw -O vhdx Installer.dmg Installer.vhdx