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h2oai/h2o-3: H2O is an Open Source, Distributed, Fast & Scalable Machine Lea ...

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Jupyter Notebook 34.7%

开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):


Join the chat at https://gitter.im/h2oai/h2o-3

H2O is an in-memory platform for distributed, scalable machine learning. H2O uses familiar interfaces like R, Python, Scala, Java, JSON and the Flow notebook/web interface, and works seamlessly with big data technologies like Hadoop and Spark. H2O provides implementations of many popular algorithms such as Generalized Linear Models (GLM), Gradient Boosting Machines (including XGBoost), Random Forests, Deep Neural Networks, Stacked Ensembles, Naive Bayes, Generalized Additive Models (GAM), Cox Proportional Hazards, K-Means, PCA, Word2Vec, as well as a fully automatic machine learning algorithm (H2O AutoML).

H2O is extensible so that developers can add data transformations and custom algorithms of their choice and access them through all of those clients. H2O models can be downloaded and loaded into H2O memory for scoring, or exported into POJO or MOJO format for extemely fast scoring in production. More information can be found in the H2O User Guide.

H2O-3 (this repository) is the third incarnation of H2O, and the successor to H2O-2.

Table of Contents

1. Downloading H2O-3

While most of this README is written for developers who do their own builds, most H2O users just download and use a pre-built version. If you are a Python or R user, the easiest way to install H2O is via PyPI or Anaconda (for Python) or CRAN (for R):


pip install h2o



For the latest stable, nightly, Hadoop (or Spark / Sparkling Water) releases, or the stand-alone H2O jar, please visit: https://h2o.ai/download

More info on downloading & installing H2O is available in the H2O User Guide.

2. Open Source Resources

Most people interact with three or four primary open source resources: GitHub (which you've already found), JIRA (for bug reports and issue tracking), Stack Overflow for H2O code/software-specific questions, and h2ostream (a Google Group / email discussion forum) for questions not suitable for Stack Overflow. There is also a Gitter H2O developer chat group, however for archival purposes & to maximize accessibility, we'd prefer that standard H2O Q&A be conducted on Stack Overflow.

2.1 Issue Tracking and Feature Requests

(Note: There is only one issue tracking system for the project. GitHub issues are not enabled; you must use JIRA.)

You can browse and create new issues in our open source JIRA: http://jira.h2o.ai

  • You can browse and search for issues without logging in to JIRA:
    1. Click the Issues menu
    2. Click Search for issues
  • To create an issue (either a bug or a feature request), please create yourself an account first:
    1. Click the Log In button on the top right of the screen
    2. Click Create an acccount near the bottom of the login box
    3. Once you have created an account and logged in, use the Create button on the menu to create an issue
    4. Create H2O-3 issues in the PUBDEV project. (Note: Sparkling Water questions should be filed under the SW project.)
  • You can also vote for feature requests and/or other issues. Voting can help H2O prioritize the features that are included in each release.
    1. Go to the H2O JIRA page.
    2. Click Log In to either log in or create an account if you do not already have one.
    3. Search for the feature that you want to prioritize, or create a new feature.
    4. Click on the Vote for this issue link. This is located on the right side of the issue under the People section.

2.2 List of H2O Resources

3. Using H2O-3 Artifacts

Every nightly build publishes R, Python, Java, and Scala artifacts to a build-specific repository. In particular, you can find Java artifacts in the maven/repo directory.

Here is an example snippet of a gradle build file using h2o-3 as a dependency. Replace x, y, z, and nnnn with valid numbers.

// h2o-3 dependency information
def h2oBranch = 'master'
def h2oBuildNumber = 'nnnn'
def h2oProjectVersion = "x.y.z.${h2oBuildNumber}"

repositories {
  // h2o-3 dependencies
  maven {
    url "https://s3.amazonaws.com/h2o-release/h2o-3/${h2oBranch}/${h2oBuildNumber}/maven/repo/"

dependencies {
  compile "ai.h2o:h2o-core:${h2oProjectVersion}"
  compile "ai.h2o:h2o-algos:${h2oProjectVersion}"
  compile "ai.h2o:h2o-web:${h2oProjectVersion}"
  compile "ai.h2o:h2o-app:${h2oProjectVersion}"

Refer to the latest H2O-3 bleeding edge nightly build page for information about installing nightly build artifacts.

Refer to the h2o-droplets GitHub repository for a working example of how to use Java artifacts with gradle.

Note: Stable H2O-3 artifacts are periodically published to Maven Central (click here to search) but may substantially lag behind H2O-3 Bleeding Edge nightly builds.

4. Building H2O-3

Getting started with H2O development requires JDK 1.8+, Node.js, Gradle, Python and R. We use the Gradle wrapper (called gradlew) to ensure up-to-date local versions of Gradle and other dependencies are installed in your development directory.

4.1. Before building

Building h2o requires a properly set up R environment with required packages and Python environment with the following packages:


To install these packages you can use pip or conda. If you have troubles installing these packages on Windows, please follow section Setup on Windows of this guide.

(Note: It is recommended to use some virtual environment such as VirtualEnv, to install all packages. )

4.2. Building from the command line (Quick Start)

To build H2O from the repository, perform the following steps.

Recipe 1: Clone fresh, build, skip tests, and run H2O

# Build H2O
git clone https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-3.git
cd h2o-3
./gradlew build -x test

You may encounter problems: e.g. npm missing. Install it:
brew install npm

# Start H2O
java -jar build/h2o.jar

# Point browser to http://localhost:54321

Recipe 2: Clone fresh, build, and run tests (requires a working install of R)

git clone https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-3.git
cd h2o-3
./gradlew syncSmalldata
./gradlew syncRPackages
./gradlew build


  • Running tests starts five test JVMs that form an H2O cluster and requires at least 8GB of RAM (preferably 16GB of RAM).
  • Running ./gradlew syncRPackages is supported on Windows, OS X, and Linux, and is strongly recommended but not required. ./gradlew syncRPackages ensures a complete and consistent environment with pre-approved versions of the packages required for tests and builds. The packages can be installed manually, but we recommend setting an ENV variable and using ./gradlew syncRPackages. To set the ENV variable, use the following format (where `${WORKSPACE} can be any path):
mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/Rlibrary
export R_LIBS_USER=${WORKSPACE}/Rlibrary

Recipe 3: Pull, clean, build, and run tests

git pull
./gradlew syncSmalldata
./gradlew syncRPackages
./gradlew clean
./gradlew build


  • We recommend using ./gradlew clean after each git pull.

  • Skip tests by adding -x test at the end the gradle build command line. Tests typically run for 7-10 minutes on a Macbook Pro laptop with 4 CPUs (8 hyperthreads) and 16 GB of RAM.

  • Syncing smalldata is not required after each pull, but if tests fail due to missing data files, then try ./gradlew syncSmalldata as the first troubleshooting step. Syncing smalldata downloads data files from AWS S3 to the smalldata directory in your workspace. The sync is incremental. Do not check in these files. The smalldata directory is in .gitignore. If you do not run any tests, you do not need the smalldata directory.

  • Running ./gradlew syncRPackages is supported on Windows, OS X, and Linux, and is strongly recommended but not required. ./gradlew syncRPackages ensures a complete and consistent environment with pre-approved versions of the packages required for tests and builds. The packages can be installed manually, but we recommend setting an ENV variable and using ./gradlew syncRPackages. To set the ENV variable, use the following format (where ${WORKSPACE} can be any path):

    mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/Rlibrary
    export R_LIBS_USER=${WORKSPACE}/Rlibrary

Recipe 4: Just building the docs

./gradlew clean && ./gradlew build -x test && (export DO_FAST=1; ./gradlew dist)
open target/docs-website/h2o-docs/index.html

4.3. Setup on Windows

Step 1: Download and install WinPython.

From the command line, validate python is using the newly installed package by using which python (or sudo which python). Update the Environment variable with the WinPython path.

Step 2: Install required Python packages:
pip install grip future tabulate wheel
Step 3: Install JDK

Install Java 1.8+ and add the appropriate directory C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_65\bin with java.exe to PATH in Environment Variables. To make sure the command prompt is detecting the correct Java version, run:

javac -version

The CLASSPATH variable also needs to be set to the lib subfolder of the JDK:

Step 4. Install Node.js

Install Node.js and add the installed directory C:\Program Files\nodejs, which must include node.exe and npm.cmd to PATH if not already prepended.

Step 5. Install R, the required packages, and Rtools:

Install R and add the bin directory to your PATH if not already included.

Install the following R packages:

To install these packages from within an R session:

pkgs <- c("RCurl", "jsonlite", "statmod", "devtools", "roxygen2", "testthat")
for (pkg in pkgs) {
  if (! (pkg %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) install.packages(pkg)

Note that libcurl is required for installation of the RCurl R package.

Note that this packages don't cover running tests, they for building H2O only.

Finally, install Rtools, which is a collection of command line tools to facilitate R development on Windows.

NOTE: During Rtools installation, do not install Cygwin.dll.

Step 6. Install Cygwin

NOTE: During installation of Cygwin, deselect the Python packages to avoid a conflict with the Python.org package.

Step 6b. Validate Cygwin

If Cygwin is already installed, remove the Python packages or ensure that Native Python is before Cygwin in the PATH variable.

Step 7. Update or validate the Windows PATH variable to include R, Java JDK, Cygwin.
Step 8. Git Clone h2o-3

If you don't already have a Git client, please install one. The default one can be found here http://git-scm.com/downloads. Make sure that command prompt support is enabled before the installation.

Download and update h2o-3 source codes:

git clone https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-3
Step 9. Run the top-level gradle build:
cd h2o-3
./gradlew.bat build

If you encounter errors run again with --stacktrace for more instructions on missing dependencies.

4.4. Setup on OS X

If you don't have Homebrew, we recommend installing it. It makes package management for OS X easy.

Step 1. Install JDK

Install Java 1.8+. To make sure the command prompt is detecting the correct Java version, run:

javac -version
Step 2. Install Node.js:

Using Homebrew:

brew install node

Otherwise, install from the NodeJS website.

Step 3. Install R and the required packages:

Install R and add the bin directory to your PATH if not already included.

Install the following R packages:

To install these packages from within an R session:

pkgs <- c("RCurl", "jsonlite", "statmod", "devtools", "roxygen2", "testthat")
for (pkg in pkgs) {
  if (! (pkg %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) install.packages(pkg)

Note that libcurl is required for installation of the RCurl R package.

Note that this packages don't cover running tests, they for building H2O only.

Step 4. Install python and the required packages:

Install python:

brew install python

Install pip package manager:

sudo easy_install pip

Next install required packages:

sudo pip install wheel requests future tabulate  
Step 5. Git Clone h2o-3

OS X should already have Git installed. To download and update h2o-3 source codes:

git clone https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-3
Step 6. Run the top-level gradle build:
cd h2o-3
./gradlew build

Note: on a regular machine it may take very long time (about an hour) to run all the tests.

If you encounter errors run again with --stacktrace for more instructions on missing dependencies.

4.5. Setup on Ubuntu 14.04

Step 1. Install Node.js
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_0.12 | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Step 2. Install JDK:

Install Java 8. Installation instructions can be found here JDK installation. To make sure the command prompt is detecting the correct Java version, run:

javac -version
Step 3. Install R and the required packages:

Installation instructions can be found here R installation. Click “Download R for Linux”. Click “ubuntu”. Follow the given instructions.

To install the required packages, follow the same instructions as for OS X above.

Note: If the process fails to install RStudio Server on Linux, run one of the following:

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev


sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev

Step 4. Git Clone h2o-3

If you don't already have a Git client:

sudo apt-get install git

Download and update h2o-3 source codes:

git clone https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-3
Step 5. Run the top-level gradle build:
cd h2o-3
./gradlew build

If you encounter errors, run again using --stacktrace for more instructions on missing dependencies.

Make sure that you are not running as root, since bower will reject such a run.

4.6. Setup on Ubuntu 13.10

Step 1. Install Node.js
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Steps 2-4. Follow steps 2-4 for Ubuntu 14.04 (above)

4.7. Setup on CentOS 7








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