开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):maykulkarni/Machine-Learning-Notebooks
开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/maykulkarni/Machine-Learning-Notebooks
开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):
Jupyter Notebook
开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Machine Learning Notebooks
Helpful jupyter noteboks that I compiled while learning Machine Learning and Deep Learning from various sources on the Internet.
NumPy Basics:
- NumPy Basics
Data Preprocessing:
Feature Selection: Imputing missing values, Encoding, Binarizing.
Feature Scaling: Min-Max Scaling, Normalizing, Standardizing.
Feature Extraction: CountVectorizer, DictVectorizer, TfidfVectorizer.
Linear & Multiple Regression
Backward Elimination: Method of Backward Elimination, P-values.
Polynomial Regression
Support Vector Regression
Decision Tree Regression
Random Forest Regression
Robust Regression using Theil-Sen Regression
Pipelines in Scikit-Learn
Logistic Regression
K Nearest Neighbors
Support Vector Machines
Naive Bayes
Decision Trees
Minibatch KMeans
Hierarchical Clustering
Application of Clustering - Image Quantization
Application of Custering - Outlier Detection
Model Evalutaion
Cross Validation and its types
Confusion Matrix, Precision, Recall
R Squared
ROC Curve, AUC
Silhoutte Distance
Associate Rule Mining
Apriori Algorithm
Eclat Model
Reinforcement Learning
Upper Confidence Bound Algorithm
Thompson Sampling
Natural Language Processing
- Sentiment Analysis
Neural Networks
What are Activation Functions
Vanilla Neural Network
Backpropagation Derivation
Backpropagation in Python
Convolutional Neural Networks
Long Short Term Memory Neural Networks (LSTM)
Sources / References:
- Machine Learning by Andrew Ng (Coursera)
- Machine Learning A-Z (Udemy)
- Deep Learning A-Z (Udemy)
- Neural Networks by Geoffrey (Hinton Coursera)
- Scikit-learn Cookbook (Second Edition) - Julian Avila et. al