开源软件名称(OpenSource Name): microsoft/hol-azure-machine-learning开源软件地址(OpenSource Url): https://github.com/microsoft/hol-azure-machine-learning开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):
开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction): Azure Machine Learning Hands on Labs
This content is designed for audience without any prior Machine learning knowledge. It starts from very basics and goes to advanced topics. We will try to keep this content live and include more and more advanced lab sessions with real life scenarious. Thanks for your support and feedback to make this content better.
Suggested timeline for Azure Machine Learning Hands On Lab (HOL)
Detailed contents of the HOL
Setting up development environment
Create free tier Azure ML account
Create standard tier Azure ML account
Install R and R Studio
Install Anaconda Python
Introduction to R, Python & Data Synth
Generate Synthetic Data
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Azure SQL Server
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
Other Dataset sources
AzureML Experiments & Data Interaction
Creating AzureML Experiment
Accessing Data
Access data, use existing dataset
Upload your own dataset
Upload your own compressed dataset
Manually enter data
Access data on Azure Storage
Access data on Azure SQL Database
Get data from an HTTP web request
Develop and Consume AzureML Models
Working with AzureML Models
Training a model
Publishing a trained model as Web Service
Removing Web Service Redundant input & output parameters
Consume the ML Web Service in a C# application
Input data type
Custom Scripts (R & Python) in AML
R & Python Script Modules
Using Execute R Script module
Using Python Script module
R & Python compatibility with Azure ML
Evaluate model performance in AML
Performance evaluation
Splitting data
Scoring the model
Evaluate a Regression model
Evaluate more than one model
Cross Validation
Performance evaluation (cont.)
Evaluate a Binary classification model
Comparing two binary classification model
Cross Validation on Binary Classification
Evaluating a Multi-class classification model
Feature engineering
Which feature is or is not important?
Simpler method to measure a feature’s importance
Azure ML Batch Score, Retrain, Production and Automatization
Importance of Retraining, seeing the whole picture
Batch and Request/Response scoring web services
Stages to create a scoring web service
Request/Response Service (RRS)
Batch Execution Service (BES)
Web Service Input/Output Parameter alternatives
Azure ML Retraining
Recommendation System
Generate synthetic data
Recommend items to users
Find related users
Find related items
What to recommend for a brand new user?
Monetizing Azure ML Solution
Azure ML Web Service Details
Create Azure Management API Service
CORS issue with Azure Machine Learnin Web Services
Restrict or Rate limit your Web Service
Test and Publish your Web Service
Case Study: Optical character recognition
Exploring and Understanding the Dataset
Process MINST database in Azure ML with Python script
Generate image tiles
Azure ML solution for OCR
Develope Azure ML experiment
Deploy as webservice
Parameters needed to publish with management API
Consuming the ML solution
Develop web application
Publish as Azure Web Application
Test the solution
Refine Features, Feature Engineering