You must have your FixMyStreet webserver up and running first: the mobile app
ultimately sends reports via that. It is not a standalone service. For more information
on FixMyStreet, see
It's still in development at the moment and only a small amount of time
has been spent on making it re-brandable/re-usable so if you want to
create your own version on top of it you may be in for a bumpy ride.
The FixMyStreet mobile app uses PhoneGap and has versions for Android and iOS.
To get it up and running you will need to create www/js/config.js based
on the www/js/config.js-example file. This has configuration for which FMS instance
to use etc.
You should also create a config.xml file based on config.xml-example.
The only change you should need to make is to add the hostname of your FMS installation
in an <access origin=""/> tag.
You'll also need package.json and package-lock.json which can be similarly
created from the -example files.
This project uses Apache Cordova to produce Android and iOS apps. There is
some mildly complicated configuration and setup required to be able to develop
with it. The following all assumes you're working on a Mac.
Make sure you have the latest versions of XCode, JDK 1.8, the Android SDK, node and
npm installed. It's a very good idea to have installed the Intel HAXM versions
of the Android emulator because they're about 100 times faster to run. You need
to download it from the Android SDK Manager (run android on the command line)
and then actually run the .dmg that this creates in your sdk folder. (Alternatively brew cask install intel-haxm if you use Homebrew Cask.)
Install the cordova CLI with npm: npm install -g cordova
Note that this is not the same as the phonegap CLI and the two should not be
mixed up. The latter gives you access to Adobe's proprietary phonegap build
service, which we don't use!
Install the latest android api and build tools packages within the Android
SDK Manager (run android on the command line to launch it)
Checkout the project
cd into the project directory and run cordova prepare to load up the
cordova platforms and plugins we use.
Create a new 'Android Virtual Device' for emulating a real device by running
android avd and using one of the 'Device Definitions' on the second tab as a
template. It doesn't matter which one, but set the CPU type to 'Atom (x86)'
otherwise it will be very very slow. Enable 'Use Host GPU', if available, to
massively speed up the UI. Ticking 'Hardware keyboard present' will allow you
to use your keyboard instead of hunting-and-pecking the on-screen keyboard.
Copy www/js/config.js-example to www/js/config.js and edit if needed
To run the project on one of the platforms, use: cordova emulate ios or
cordova emulate android
Basic structure
www - JS, HTML, CSS and image files
templates - templates with strings to be translated
locale - gettext translation files
bin - helper scripts for translation
www Stucture
css - css files
js - project javascript files
js/views - backbone view files
js/models - backgone model files
jslib - third party javascript libraries and files
templates - underscore templates for the pages
cobrands - template overrides and stylesheets for your own cobrand
If you want to change the appearance of the app (e.g. to change the colour scheme, or provide
your own FAQ/help text), you can use your own templates and stylesheets to achieve this.
Rather than editing the existing templates in www/templates/en, you should override the default
template by placing your own version in www/cobrands/<cobrand name>/templates/en and set the
CONFIG.COBRAND value appropriately in www/js/config.js.
For example to change the intro text that's shown when you first launch the app, set
CONFIG.COBRAND to mycobrand and then copy www/templates/en/initial_help.html to
www/cobrands/mycobrand/templates/en/initial_help.html and edit it with your new text.
To change the colour theme or other styles used in the app, create
www/cobrands/mycobrand/css/style.css and add your own CSS rules. If CONFIG.COBRAND is set to
mycobrand then this new CSS file will be included in the page HTML automatically.
We use gettext for translation with a series of templated files that use the Template Toolkit
Perl module. The scripts are based on those used for the FixMyStreet website. In the templates
directory are a set of page templates marked up for translation. These are parsed by the scripts
and a set of strings to be translated are extracted. These strings are then used to generate a
a set of .po files for each language under locales, which in turn generate a set of translated
template files for use in the app. For more details see the translating file.
The app only supports one language at a time at the moment.
Tips and Tricks
Make sure you read the documentation for Cordova from the Phonegap site - the two vary in infuriating and subtle ways and much
of the stackoverflow-esque info on the web is confused about which one it's for.
Particularly in the options for things in config.xml which is where all the
magic happens.
You can use ios-sim to launch the iOS emulator directly with something like:
ios-sim launch platforms/ios/build/emulator/ --devicetypeid ", 8.0" after you've built the project via a previous
emulator run or a direct build via cordova build ios. This allows you to
specify a different device than the default one. To see the available options
for --devicetypeid run ios-sim showdevicetypes.
You can open the iOS project in XCode if you prefer to run it that way, the
project file is in platforms/ios
To check the console log output when emulating iOS, run: tail -f console.log
Cordova by default writes it out to that file in your project root
To check the console log output when emulating Android, cd to
platforms/android/cordova and run ./log. I found that I needed to be in the
directory for it to actually print anything, YMMV.
Leave the emulators running once they start, it's much quicker!
Cordova now includes version numbers for the platforms and plugins in
config.xml so it's possible to use the command line tools to update
Update each plugin. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem possible to upgrade all
of the plugins in one go, so you'll have to type out
cordova plugin update cordova-plugin-name --save for every single one.
You can get a list that's easy to edit into a script from
cordova plugin list.
To release the app on Android, you need to do the following:
Change your config.js to include production settings
Bump the version code in config.xml, both the main one and the android specific one
Clone the mySociety keys repository
Build a release version of the app: cordova build android --release -- --keystore="/path/to/keys_repo/android/android_keystore" --alias=<fixmystreet|cuidomiciudad|etc>
App Store
To release the app in the iTunes App Store you need to do the following:
Change your config.js to include production settings
Bump the version code in config.xml, both the main one and the android specific one
Run the emulator to make sure you've built the latest version of the app: cordova emulate ios
Open the app in XCode (the xcodeproj project file you need is in platforms/ios)
Select Product > Archive from the XCode menu
In the "navigator" window that pops up, select the latest build and then hit "Validate" in the top right. It'll ask to access your keychain, so you'll need to make sure you've installed the latest certificates there already.
Once the validation has finished, hit "Submit" and pick the certificate again to actually send it to Apple.
Now you need to log into iTunes Connect and add a new version of the app for this build, then submit it for review.
Ad-Hoc Distribution
iOS allows you to distribute builds of your app directly to selected testers, either by sending them the .ipa file for installation via iTunes or via a specially-crafted web page they visit from their device. More info.
Gather the device UDIDs from testers and add them to the 'devices' section of the developer center.
You'll probably have to re-download the provisioning profile for the app into Xcode so subsequent builds include the new device UDIDs.
Open the .xcodeproj file in Xcode and run Product > Archive
Select the archive in the Organizer window that subsequently pops up, then click Export and select Save for Ad Hoc Deployment.
Follow the wizard, selecting Export one app for all compatible devices, and Include manifest for over-the-air installation.
The wizard will ask you to provide values for the App URL, and a couple of image URLs. Put dummy values in if you don't know the final URLs for the .ipa and images yet, you can edit the output manifest file later.
Copy the resulting .ipa and manifest to your webserver. Make sure they're served over HTTPS or iOS will refuse to install the app.
Users can install the app on their devices by going to a URL of the form itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=[MANIFEST URL HERE]