开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):facebookresearch/mobile-vision开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Python 99.2%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Mobile Computer Vision @ FacebookThis repository provides code and models for the following projects developed by Facebook for mobile:
We provide the following code and models:
Pytorch Pre-trained ModelsThe following FBNet/FBNetV2 pre-trained models are provided. The models are trained and evaluated using ImageNet 1k (ILSVRC2012) dataset. Validation top-1 and top-5 accuracy for fp32 models are reported.
The model could be loaded with: from mobile_cv.model_zoo.models.fbnet_v2 import fbnet
model = fbnet("dmasking_l3", pretrained=True)
model.eval() We also provide the following int8 quantized models in TorchScript format:
Please see here for more details. Caffe2 Pre-trained ModelsWe provide different pre-trained ChamNet and FBNet models. The models are trained and evaluated using ImageNet 1k (ILSVRC2012) dataset. Validation top-1 accuracy for fp32 and int8 models are reported. Model latenies are benchmarked on a Samsung S8 CPU with NNPACK (fp32) and QNNAPCK (int8) engines using Caffe2. Note that our models are best used in int8 as they are searched using on-device int8 latency metrics.
The pretrained FBNet and ChamNet models are available to download here: The models expect the input image to be loaded in the range of CNN Latency Look-up TableRecent studies have shown the importance of model optimization over direct metrics (e.g., latency) instead of indirect metrics (e.g., FLOPs). However, platform-specific latency measurements require engineer efforts and can be slow and difficult to parallelize. Thus, we provide a CNN latency look up table (LUT) to enable fast and reliable latency estimations. Please see CNN latency look-up table for more details. LicenseThis project is licensed under CC BY-NC, as found in the LICENSE file. If you use our code/models in your research, please cite our paper:
AcknowledgmentsThis work is developed by collaboration between Mobile Vision, Caffe2, and FAIR team at Facebook. Thanks to Xiaoliang Dai, Marat Dukhan, Zijian He, Yunqing Hu, Yangqing Jia, Lingyi Liu, Yang Lu, Brad Stocks, Fei Sun, Yuandong Tian, Sam Tsai, Matt Uyttendaele, Peter Vajda, Yanghan Wang, Bichen Wu, Yiming Wu, Ran Xian, Fei Yang, Peizhao Zhang for their great contributions. |