开源软件名称(OpenSource Name): Testinium/MobileDeviceInfo开源软件地址(OpenSource Url): https://github.com/Testinium/MobileDeviceInfo开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):
开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction): MobileDeviceInfo
MobileDeviceInfo helps you fetch information from your mobile device such as UUID, Device Name, etc.
You can integrate MobileDeviceInfo library into your Appium projects to manage your capabilities dynamically.
You need to have ADB and libimobiledevice installed on your machine
ADB installation can be done via this link
libimobiledevice can be found on this link
brew cask install android-platform-tools
brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
Basic Usage
DeviceInfo deviceInfo = new DeviceInfoImpl(DeviceType.ANDROID);
if (deviceInfo.anyDeviceConnected()) {
Device device = deviceInfo.getFirstDevice();
System.out.println("Device Name - " + device.getDeviceProductName());
System.out.println("Device id - " + device.getUniqueDeviceID());
DeviceInfo deviceInfo = new DeviceInfoImpl(DeviceType.IOS);
if (deviceInfo.anyDeviceConnected()) {
Device device = deviceInfo.getFirstDevice();
System.out.println("Device Name - " + device.getDeviceProductName());
System.out.println("Device id - " + device.getUniqueDeviceID());
or ( Attention - Data Comes Late )
DeviceInfo deviceInfo = new DeviceInfoImpl(DeviceType.IOSSIMULATOR);
if (deviceInfo.anyDeviceConnected()) {
Device device = deviceInfo.getFirstDevice();
System.out.println("Device Name - " + device.getDeviceProductName());
System.out.println("Device id - " + device.getUniqueDeviceID());
or ( Only Android and IOS Devices Except IOS Simulator )
DeviceInfo deviceInfo = new DeviceInfoImpl(DeviceType.ALL);
if (deviceInfo.anyDeviceConnected()) {
Device device = deviceInfo.getFirstDevice();
System.out.println("Device Name - " + device.getDeviceProductName());
System.out.println("Device id - " + device.getUniqueDeviceID());
or ( Attention - Data Comes Late Due To IOS Simulator)
DeviceInfo deviceInfo = new DeviceInfoImpl(DeviceType.ALLANDIOSSIMULATOR);
if (deviceInfo.anyDeviceConnected()) {
Device device = deviceInfo.getFirstDevice();
System.out.println("Device Name - " + device.getDeviceProductName());
System.out.println("Device id - " + device.getUniqueDeviceID());
For Appium projects, here's a usage:
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PLATFORM, device.getDeviceProductName());
capabilities.setCapability("platformName", device.getDeviceProductName());
capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.VERSION, device.getProductVersion());
capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", device.getModelNumber());
capabilities.setCapability("udid", device.getUniqueDeviceID());
capabilities.setCapability("app", "#Your App File#");
driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(URL), capabilities);
You can add your project as a maven dependency.
You have to add our repository to your pom.xml because it hasn't released to Maven Central repositories.