我有一个显示为条形的 UIView ,其宽度应根据 UILabel 上显示的 NSNumber 值更改。 p>
下图显示了 UI
例如: 如图所示,所有 3 个橙色条都有不同的值。我需要栏的宽度也应该根据值不同。值为 14 和 10 的条的宽度应小于值为 18 的条。
//Get the value as string
NSString *countString = cell.numberOfTuneIn.text;
//MAximum size of the bar
CGSize maxSize = CGSizeMake(cell.numberOfTuneIn.bounds.size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX);
CGRect s = [countString boundingRectWithSize:maxSize options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes{NSFontAttributeName:cell.numberOfTuneIn.font} context:nil];
//set the frame of the bar
CGRect rect = cell.barView.frame;
rect.size.width = s.size.width;
cell.barView.frame = rect;
Best Answer-推荐答案 strong>
- 获取柱数范围(例如 0-100)
- 获取宽度像素范围(例如 0-320)
- 为每 1 个您创建比例(例如 320/100)或 3.2 个像素的宽度
- 如果条形为 100,则其宽度为 100 * 3.2 = 320 像素宽度
- 如果条形为 50,则其宽度为 50 * 3.2 = 160 像素宽度
- (CGFloat)getViewlWidthfloat)labelValue {
// Setup view bar settings, you can take those settings outside of this method if needed
int maxLabelValue = 100;
int viewMaxWidth = 320; // You can make it dynamic according to screen width
float widthPixelRatio = viewMaxWidth / maxLabelValue;
// Calculate width
CGFloat pixelsResult = labelValue * widthPixelRatio;
// Return value
return pixelsResult;
// Lets assume that here you get the label value from the server and you called it labelValue
NSString * labelValue = // Value from server
Create UILabel here, showing the value from server
// Get the width of the UIView to be
CGFloat myViewWidth = [self getViewlWidth:[labelValue floatValue]];
Create the UIView here and set its witdh to the result of the CGFloat above (myViewWidth)
关于ios - 根据 UILabel 中的数字动态更改 UIView 宽度,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: