我有一个源文件,实际上它是一个 Google API 库。
它在 GTLCommon_Sources.m 上有这个代码:
#if defined(__has_feature) && __has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file needs to be compiled with ARC disabled."
#import "Objects/GTLBatchQuery.m"
#import "Objects/GTLBatchResult.m"
#import "Objects/GTLDateTime.m"
#import "Objects/GTLErrorObject.m"
#import "Objects/GTLObject.m"
#import "Objects/GTLQuery.m"
#import "Objects/GTLRuntimeCommon.m"
#import "Objects/GTLService.m"
#import "Objects/GTLUploadParameters.m"
#import "Utilities/GTLBase64.m"
#import "Utilities/GTLFramework.m"
#import "Utilities/GTLJSONParser.m"
#import "Utilities/GTLUtilities.m"
但是,尝试构建它,结果是 GTLCommon_Sources 和 GTLJSONParser 上的重复符号。我尝试将源文件更改为 #import "Utilities/GTLJSONParser.h" 而不是 #import "Utilities/GTLJSONParser.m" 并且重复符号错误消失了。
谁能告诉我为什么这个库会导入一个 .m 文件?在 AFAIK 中,我们总是导入 .h 文件。
Best Answer-推荐答案 strong>
这只是构建所有源文件的便捷方式,无需将所有源文件都包含在您的项目中。见 the documentation .
Rather than link to the GTL framework, you can compile the GTL library
sources directly into your own project. To do this, find the library's
GTLCommon_Sources.m and GTLCommon_Networking.m files, and drag the
files into your project's window.
Then add the library's source folders to the Header Search Paths entry
of your project's build settings: Source, Source/Objects,
Source/Utilities, Deps/gtm-session-fetcher/Source,
Deps/gtm-oauth2/Source, Deps/gtm-oauth2/Source/Touch (or
为此,请不要将任何其他来源(GTLBatchQuery.m 等)添加到您的项目中。
关于ios - 为什么要导入 .m 文件?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: