Referred from:
The following are based on problems I see people having every day in production ASP.NET systems.
1. Before you go into pr ...……
ASP.NET使用动态编译技术,在运行时动态将同一目录的*.aspx文件先生成*.cs,然后调用CompilerServices将其编译成assemblies(可以到你的%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\V1.x.xxxx\Temporary ASP.NET Files下 ...……
转自: his is a list of questions I have gathered and created over a period of time from my experience, many of which I ...……
I tried to integrate Atlas into WebPart a couple of days ago but failed. Atlas is a great AJAX framework from Microsoft, but it isn't compatible with SharePoint 2007 for now, what a pity.
But your cu……