I have recently come across a comparison of fast JSON serializers in .NET, which shows that Jil JSON serializer is one of the fastest.
Jil is created by Kevin Montrose developer at StackOverlow and ...……
紧接着前文Asp.net web Api源码分析-如何获取IHttpHandler 我们已经得到了HttpControllerHandler实例,它是一个IHttpAsyncHandler类型,我们来看看它的BeginProcessRequest方法是如何实现:
protected virtual IA ...……
ScottGu在其最新的博文中推荐了Simone Chiaretta的文章13 ASP.NET MVC extensibility points you have to know,该文章为我们简单介绍了ASP.NET MVC中的13个扩展点。Keyvan Nayyeri(与Simone合著了Beginning ASP.NE ...……