今天写脚本遇到Can't use string (amp;quot;bond2 Link encap:InfiniBand amp;quot;) as a symbol ref while amp;quot;strict refsamp;quot; in use at test.pl line 的错误
google了一下,发现stackoverflow ...……
In this article, let us discuss how to write Perl socket programming using the inbuilt socket modules in Perl.Perl socket modules provides an object interface that makes it easier to create and use TC……
use FileHandle;my %fh;
my @filehandlename=(amp;quot;Aamp;quot;,amp;quot;Bamp;quot;,amp;quot;Camp;quot;); ##文件句柄的名字;
for my $filehandlename (@filehandlename){
$fh{$filehandlename}=FileHandl ...……
Forces EXPR to be interpreted in scalar context and returns the value of EXPR.
假如,我 ...……