I have the smtpjs library added to our code, which works well on iOS-based devices ending with "OK" in the window popup:
Host: <our-email-server>,
Username: <username>,
Password: <password>,
To: <some-email-receiver>,
From: <our-email-sender-address>,
Subject: "testSubject",
Body: "testBody"
}).then(message => alert(message));
However when trying to run the related code on Android-based devices it just pops up an alert in the end also stating "Alert":
The same happens if we use a smtpjs-token instead.
Looking in Android logs using adb one can see the following entry:
01-06 22:22:57.225 31564 31605 W SystemWebViewClient: URL blocked by
whitelist: https://smtpjs.com/v3/smtpjs.aspx?
What to do next?