First install Devel::PatchPerl:
$ cpanm Devel::PatchPerl
Then from the root of the source tree, run:
$ patchperl
Auto-guessed '5.10.1'
Patching 'hints/'
patching Configure
patching ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL
patching Configure
patching utils/h2ph.PL
patching lib/h2ph.t
patching ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.c
patching lib/Time/Local.t
patching pp.c
patching Configure
patching lib/Archive/Tar/t/02_methods.t
patching ext/ODBM_File/hints/
patching ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/10_hash.t
patching hv.c
patching t/op/hash.t
patching perl.c
Then recompile:
$ sh Configure -de -Dusethreads
$ make
../miniperl -I../lib find2perl.PL
Extracting find2perl (with variable substitutions)
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/hakon/test/perl/perl-5.10.1/x2p'
Everything is up to date. Type 'make test' to run test suite.