I'm using Apollo Client and wanted to make re-usable calls, so I was recommended to use Custom Hooks. I've tried but don't think I'm implementing them properly as they're re-rendering indefinitely and I can't figure out if this will actually do what I want.
I would like to, from another component, call useHandleFollow to call either useFollowUser
or useUnfollowUser
which will perform one of two useMutations, based on the isFollowingUser conditional.
export function useHandleFollow(props) {
const { user, isFollowingUser } = props
const [useFollowUser, { followedData, followError }] = useMutation(FOLLOW_USER);
const [useUnfollowUser, { unfollowedData, unfollowedError }] = useMutation(UNFOLLOW_USER);
const [followSuccess, setFollowSuccess] = useState(false)
useFollowUser({ variables: { fromId: auth().currentUser.uid, toId: user.id}, onCompleted: setFollowSuccess(true)})
useUnfollowUser({ variables: { fromId: auth().currentUser.uid, toId: user.id}, onCompleted: setFollowSuccess(true)})
return followSuccess
I then tried to instantiate that like this, from the body of another component:
const followed = useHandleFollow({ user: author, isFollowingAuthor })
But that triggers an endless loop. Really, I want to only call this on a user's click, so have a function like this:
const handleUserFollow = (user) => {
useHandleFollow(user, true)
How should I be going about this instead? Thank you in advance!
Edit: The proposed similar question is a different problem, this question is a separate issue.