Hi I am using MianaCropView for give the possibility to my users to crop their images before uploading them . Everythings works fine when its about the result cropped the problem come from the preview showed to users before uploading .
I give the possibility to users to crop their image in different aspect ratio from (1:1 to 16:9) .
When the user chose a Scale shadow appears to show witch part of the image will remain and witch part will be cropped (Here an example of a image with 16:9 Scale)
The problem its when I use 1.91:1 the preview doesnt match the result and can give a missrepresentaion of the final image to the user . Here's the preview who's show to the user and here the real result . I need the preview to match the real result .
How can I fix that ?
Here the my code to uptade the cropeArea
private void updateCropArea() {
int width = getMeasuredWidth();
int height = getMeasuredHeight();
if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
//compute cropArea
float left, rigth, top, bottom;
float finalWidth = 0;
float finalHeight = 0;
switch (mCropType) {
case SQUARE:
finalWidth = finalHeight = width < height ? width : height;
The problem is here : case SCALE_1_91_1:
finalHeight = height;
finalWidth = finalHeight * 1.91f/1;
case SCALE_2_3:
finalHeight = height;
finalWidth = finalHeight * 2 / 3;
case SCALE_3_4:
finalHeight = height;
finalWidth = finalHeight * 3 / 4;
case SCALE_3_2:
finalWidth = width;
finalHeight = finalWidth * 2 / 3;
case SCALE_4_3:
finalWidth = width;
finalHeight = finalWidth * 3 / 4;
case SCALE_4_5:
finalHeight = height;
finalWidth = finalHeight * 4 / 5;
case SCALE_16_9:
finalWidth = width;
finalHeight = finalWidth * 9 / 16;
left = (width - finalWidth) * 0.5f;
top = (height - finalHeight) * 0.5f;
rigth = left + finalWidth;
bottom = top + finalHeight;
RectF cropArea = new RectF(left, top, rigth, bottom);