I'm working on a problem in which I have one dictionary, but there exist duplicate keys within it. The goal is to get the maximum value of each corresponding key, but I am confused about how to do this because the previous examples I've seen show how to get the maximum value from the dictionary as a whole. Is there a way to compare one key with the rest of the keys, see if it is a match, and then examine their values? This is what I have tried so far:
# Create mock dictionary with data
gene_data = {'geneA': 1,
'geneB': 2,
'geneC': 0,
'geneA': 3,
'geneB': 1,
'geneC': 4
# Pass in your dictionary as the parameter.
# Return a newly created dictionary that displays each key once, alongside the maximum value.
# For our example, our expected outcome is:
# new_dict = {'geneA': 3, 'geneB': 2, 'geneC': 4}
def get_max_value_from_data(data):
new_dict = dict()
for key, value in data.items():
for i in range(0, len(data)):
if key == data.keys()[i]:
if value < data.values()[i]:
new_dict[key] = value
return new_dict