With the help of G. Grothendieck I solved the problem.
After entering the R-help of plot, more specific the help for plot and linear regression (plot.lm) with the command
I read the box with the "arguments and usage" part and identified the labels.id argument AND the id.n argument.
id.n is "number of points to be labelled in each plot, starting with the most extreme."
I needed that. I was interested in the identification of this extreme points. R already marked the 3 most extreme points in all graphics (see initial post) but used the observations numbers and not any useful labels. Any other labelling would mess up the graphics. So, we remember: In my case I want the 3 most extreme values to be labelled.
Now let's add this to the command:
I started the same as above, with a plot of my already computed linear model -> plot(linModel). After that I added "id.n =" and set the value to "3". That looked like that:
plot(linModel, id.n = 3,
So far so good, now R knows what to label BUT still not what should be used as label.
For this we have to add the labels.id to the command.
labels.id is the "vector of labels, from which the labels for extreme points will be chosen."
I assumed that one column in my dataset (NOT the linear model!) has the property of a vector and so I added a comma and then "labels.id =" to the command and typed in the name of my dataset and then the column, so in my case: "linData$MS_short" where linData is the dataset and MS_short the column with the 2 letter string for each member state. The final command looked like this:
plot(linModel, id.n = 3, labels.id = linData$MS_short)
And then it worked (see here). End of story.
Hope this can help some other newbies. Greetings.