I am currently working on an application which is supposed to become some sort of dropbox clone.
The idea is that I can upload and download files, but while the file is stored on the server it should be encrypted.(我的想法是可以上传和下载文件,但是当文件存储在服务器上时,应该对其进行加密。)
I have already developed a nodejs backend.
The backend uses express to communicate with the frontend, which is a React application with axios.(后端使用express与前端进行通信,前端是带有axios的React应用程序。)
The up- and download works fine.
I use js-file-download and a simple input tag to upload files.(我使用js-file-download和一个简单的输入标签来上传文件。)
My problem is now the encrypting/decrypting part.
All the libraries and examples I found only work with strings or objects but not with files.(我发现的所有库和示例仅适用于字符串或对象,不适用于文件。)
Somehow I don't understand how to take a whole file like I have it in my code, extract the information, encrypt it and store it again in the file.(不知何故,我不明白如何像在代码中一样获取整个文件,提取信息,对其进行加密并将其再次存储在文件中。)
Could somebody help me a little bit?(有人可以帮我一点吗?)
Below you can see the code snippets to up- and download code from the frontend.
I think there are the best places to en- and decrypt.(我认为有最好的加密和解密地方。)
Code to upload files
const uploadHandler = async (event) => { event.preventDefault() if(files.length === 0){ props.handleError('No files!', 5000) }else if(checkMimeType()){ console.log('start uploading') const data = new FormData() for(var x = 0; x<files.length; x++) { data.append('file', files[x]) } const response = await fileService.sendFiles(data) if(response.status === 200){ props.handleNotification(response.data, 5000) props.getFiles() } else{ props.handleError(response.data, 5000) } setFiles([]) } window.location.reload() } const onChangeHandler = (event) => { event.preventDefault() setFiles(event.target.files) } return ( <div className='container'> <div className='row'> <div className='col-md-15'> <div className='form-group files' > <Form method='POST' encType='multipart/form-data' onSubmit={uploadHandler} > <input type='file' autoComplete='off' name='files' multiple onChange= {onChangeHandler}/> <Button className='button' type="submit">Upload</Button> </Form> </div> </div> </div> </div> )
Code to download files:
const fileDownload = require('js-file-download') const handleSingleDownload = async (file) => { const response = await fileService.getFile(file.id) console.log(response.data) fileDownload(response.data, file.name) props.handleNotification('Download started...', 2500) }
ask by canon translate from so