I have two server calls that I need to wait for.
However, the user can decide if the second server call is even made.(但是,用户可以决定是否进行第二次服务器调用。)
All of this is happening in an Angular Resolver, as the data is necessary for the next page.(所有这些都是在Angular Resolver中发生的,因为数据对于下一页是必需的。)
The problem is that from my zip function the code never reaches the pipe, leaving me stuck in the resolver.
Here is the procedure:(步骤如下:)
zip my requests
pipe them
and return an observable to my resolve function
this is my code:
public resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot):
Observable<any> | Promise<any> { //
const id = +route.paramMap.get('id');
const wantsSecondRequest = +route.paramMap.get('wantsSecondRequest');
const requests: Array<Observable<any>> = new Array();
if (wantsSecondRequest === 1) {
return zip(requests).pipe(take(1), mergeMap(([a, b]) => {
return of(a);
I tried it with Promise.all and working with Promises instead of Observables, but the issue with those are that I am unable to never complete the Promises in the case of an error, so that the navigation never happens.
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