Problems with the merge:
enum AA1 {
aKey, // = 0
bKey // = 1
enum BB1 {
cKey, // = 0
dKey // = 1
- ? Enums with the same keys (=> keys are overwritten)
enum AA2 {
aKey = 1
enum BB2 {
aKey = 2
enum AA3 {
aKey, // = 0
bKey // = 1
enum BB3 {
cKey = 2,
dKey // = 3
enum AA4 {
aKey = 'Hello',
bKey = 0,
cKey // = 1
enum BB4 {
dKey = 2,
eKey = 'Hello',
fKey = 'World'
aKey = 'Hello'
and eKey = 'Hello'
work because the enum with a string value doesn't has this value as key
// For aKey = 'Hello', key is working
type aa4aKey = AA4.aKey; // = AA4.aKey
// value is not.
type aa4aValue = AA4.Hello; // ? Namespace 'AA4' has no exported member 'Hello'
type aa4aValue2 = AA4['Hello']; // ? Property 'Hello' does not exist on type 'AA4'
console.log(AA4); // { 0: 'bKey', 1: 'cKey', aKey: 'Hello', bKey: 0, cKey: 1 }
console.log(BB4); // { 2: 'dKey', dKey: 2, eKey: 'Hello', fKey: 'World' }
The merge
type AABB1 = AA4 | BB4; // = AA4 | BB4
type AABB1key = AABB1['aKey']; // = never
type AABB1key2 = AABB1.aKey; // ? 'AABB1' only refers to a type, but is being used as a namespace here. ts(2702)
- ? using intersection types
type AABB1 = AA4 & BB4; // = never
type AABB1key = AABB1['aKey']; // = never
- ? using intersection types with typeof
type AABB2 = (typeof AA4) & (typeof BB4); // = typeof AA4 & typeof BB4
type AABB2key = AABB2['aKey']; // = AA4.aKey
const aabb1 = { ...AA4, ...BB4 };
const aabb2 = Object.assign({}, AA4, BB4); // also work
// aabb1 = {
// 0: 'bKey',
// 1: 'cKey',
// 2: 'dKey',
// aKey: 'Hello',
// bKey: 0,
// cKey: 1,
// dKey: 2,
// eKey: 'Hello',
// fKey: 'World' }
- ? using typeof with a js copy
const aabb = { ...AA4, ...BB4 };
type TypeofAABB = typeof aabb;
// type TypeofAABB = {
// [x: number]: string;
// dKey: BB4.dKey;
// eKey: BB4.eKey;
// fKey: BB4.fKey;
// aKey: AA4.aKey;
// bKey: AA4.bKey;
// cKey: AA4.cKey;
// };
Tip: you can use the same name for a type and a value
const merged = { ...AA4, ...BB4 };
type merged = typeof merged;
const aValue = merged.aKey;
type aType = merged['aKey'];
Your case
If you want to merge your 2 enums you have ~3 choices:
1. Using string enums
enum Mammals {
Humans = 'Humans',
Bats = 'Bats',
Dolphins = 'Dolphins'
enum Reptiles {
Snakes = 'Snakes',
Alligators = 'Alligators',
Lizards = 'Lizards'
export const Animals = { ...Mammals, ...Reptiles };
export type Animals = typeof Animals;
2. Using unique numbers
enum Mammals {
Humans = 0,
enum Reptiles {
Snakes = 2,
export const Animals = { ...Mammals, ...Reptiles };
export type Animals = typeof Animals;
3. Using nested enums
enum Mammals {
enum Reptiles {
export const Animals = { Mammals, Reptiles };
export type Animals = typeof Animals;
const bats = Animals.Mammals.Bats; // = 1
const alligators = Animals.Reptiles.Alligators; // = 1
Note: you can also merge the nested enums with the following code. Take care to NOT have duplicated values if you do that!
type Animal = {
[K in keyof Animals]: {
[K2 in keyof Animals[K]]: Animals[K][K2]
}[keyof Animals[K]]
}[keyof Animals];
const animal: Animal = 0 as any;
switch (animal) {
case Animals.Mammals.Bats:
case Animals.Mammals.Dolphins:
case Animals.Mammals.Humans:
case Animals.Reptiles.Alligators:
case Animals.Reptiles.Lizards:
case Animals.Reptiles.Snakes:
default: {
const invalid: never = animal; // no error