What I am trying to do
Integrate Zxing, QR code reader framework, in my iPhone project. I checked out ZXing sdk from here. I ran the sample project coming with ZXing, named ScanTest, without any issues. But when I try to integrate the library with my project I am getting the error mentioned.
Project specification
- Target OS : iOS 6.0
- Deployment target : iOS 5.0 or above.
- Tested on : iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS.
- Xcode : Xcode 4.5.1
- ZXing version : 2.0
When I build, after doing every integration step in ZXing readme file, I am getting build errors like
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*)", referenced from:
zxing::qrcode::Detector::computeDimension(zxing::Ref<zxing::ResultPoint>, zxing::Ref<zxing::ResultPoint>, zxing::Ref<zxing::ResultPoint>, float) in libZXingWidget.a(Detector-B8B28E953F840D47.o)
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(char const*, std::allocator<char> const&)", referenced from:
zxing::Exception::Exception(char const*) in libZXingWidget.a(Exception.o)
zxing::common::StringUtils::guessEncoding(unsigned char*, int, std::map<unsigned int, std::string, std::less<unsigned int>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const, std::string> > >
There are 27 errors like that.. I only copied the first two.
What did I found out
Well, I went through this, this ,this ,this, this, this,this threads in stackoverflow, all with the same error message. None of the solutions worked for me.
Then I found this closed thread in ZXing forums discussing the same issue. From that discussion, some possible solutions are (worked for some)
The first error is (probably) because you haven't renamed main.m to main.mm. The second error is (probably) because you're not linking
against the widget library
I also renamed my main.m, cross checked whether I have added the library only to find I surely had. So this is not the case.
After I changed the
Architectures of the library to "Standard (armv7, armv7s)" to match my
main project I was able to successfully compile the app.
My project, target, library project (for debug, distribution, release) architecture is given as Standard (armv7, armv7s)
. So no luck there either.
Then they closed the issue saying this,
The zxing projects have been updated to add the armv7s arch and remove the armv6 arch. These changes are required (1) to build for the
iPhone 5 which is armv7s and (2) to build at all since Xcode 4.5 does
not include support for armv6. If you have your own project files,
you'll need to make these changes yourself. These are general changes
not specific to zxing so if you have trouble, you make get
more/quicker help in a general forum like StackOverflow.
So here I am, in StackOverflow.
One more point
In ZXing integration README file , the first step in integration is,
1) Locate the "ZXingWidget.xcodeproj" file under "zxing/iphone/ZXingWidget/
". Drag ZXingWidget.xcodeproj and drop it
onto the root of your Xcode project's "Groups and Files" sidebar. A
dialog will appear -- make sure "Copy items" is unchecked and
"Reference Type" is "Relative to Project" before clicking "Add".
Alternatively you can right-click on you project navigator and select
'Add files to "MyProject"'.
When I dragged the ZXingWidget.xcodeproj file to my project, there was no dialog. The project directly added to the project and I could not set, "copy items" and "Reference Type" properties. I don't know if it is a new feature of Xcode 4.5 or a bug. That is the only step I couldn't correctly follow as per the README file.
Well, you have all the information that I have with me. I have been trying to fix this for 6 hours. Any idea?
question from: