I adapted a simple program to compute and plot the movement vortices of to Julia to test the language, I also wrote it in Python for no particular reason.
(Disclaimer: 1. Every performance comparison on stackoverflow I read gets slammed for not being comprehensive/correct/well written/relevant etc. etc. - I'm not pretending this is a real comparison, I would just like to know how to make the Julia quicker. 2. I know the python could be optimized, implemented in Cython etc, that's not part of this discussion, it's just here for a reference of equivalent functions in Julia and Python.)
The code and performance results can been seen in a gist.
The performance of Julia is significantly slower than Fortran. The times taken to perform the calculation itself are (50000 time steps):
Fortran: 0.051s
Julia: 2.256s
Python: 30.846s
Julia is much slower (~44 times slow) than Fortran, the gap narrows but is still significant with 10x more time steps( 0.50s vs 15.24s
These results are significantly different to those shown on the julia home page. What am I doing wrong? Could I fix the Julia to be significantly quicker?
I've skim read the Julia Performance Tips page and the code behind the comparison on the Julia home page and nothing is standing out to me to fix.
Also interestingly Julia is extremely slow to load PyPlot ( 5secs
ish!!) and much slower than Python to read the text file. Could I do anything to improve these things?
Note that the times above don't show loading time for Julia and Python, it's just the raw time taken for the computation AFAIK - see the code. For fortran it's the whole thing. The plotting has been turned off, roughly, in each case to allow speed comparison.
Computer: Intel i7-3770, 16GB ram, SSD HD, OS: Ubuntu 13.10 64bit., Fortran: gfortran, GNU Fortran (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1, Julia: Version 0.3.0-prerelease+396 (2013-12-12 00:18 UTC), Commit c5364db* (0 days old master), x86_64-linux-gnu, Python: 2.7.5+
Based on ivarne's advice I rewrote the Julia script (updated in gist above): encapsulating grunt work in functions, declaring the type of everything and splitting different elements of matrices into different arrays where applicable. (I included Float64 in quite a few places as I tried Float32 to see if that helped, it didn't most of the time).
The results are as follows:
time steps:
Fortran: 0.051s (entire programme)
Julia: raw calc.: 0.201s, calc. and return (?): 0.758s, total exec.: 6.947s
time steps:
Fortran: 0.495s (entire programme)
Julia: raw calc.: 1.547s, calc. and return (?): 2.094s, total exec.: 8.521s
In conclusion:
question from: