The hist
command returns a list of patches, so you can iterate over them and set their color like so:
import numpy as n
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Random gaussian data.
Ntotal = 1000
data = 0.05 * n.random.randn(Ntotal) + 0.5
# This is the colormap I'd like to use.
cm ='RdYlBu_r')
# Plot histogram.
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data, 25, normed=1, color='green')
bin_centers = 0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:])
# scale values to interval [0,1]
col = bin_centers - min(bin_centers)
col /= max(col)
for c, p in zip(col, patches):
plt.setp(p, 'facecolor', cm(c))
To get the colors, you need to call the colormap with a value between 0 and 1. Resulting figure: