So, this is an edited question (although it's not related to the previous one), well coming back to the topic, here's, my code:
# Importing the required Modules
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox as Alert
import numpy # ? Use import random if numpy not availale
import math
class Set_Game:
# Defining the __init__ function of the class
def __init__(self, Main_Frame):
# Creating empty arrays for Enemies and Bullets
self.Missiles = []
self.Enemies = []
# Setting a number of Enemies
self.Number_Of_Enemies = 5
# Setting the enemies' speed
self.Enemies_Speed = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
self.Missile_Speed = -3
Window.after(3000, self.Move_Enemy_Down)
def Move_Enemies(self):
for Enemy in self.Enemies:
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = Can.coords(self.Enemies[self.Enemies.index(Enemy)])
if x3 > 1000 or x1 < 0:
self.Enemies_Speed[self.Enemies.index(Enemy)] = -self.Enemies_Speed[self.Enemies.index(Enemy)]
Can.move(self.Enemies[self.Enemies.index(Enemy)], self.Enemies_Speed[self.Enemies.index(Enemy)], 0)
if y2 > 630:
Alert.showinfo("Space Shooter", "The Game is Over!")
Window.after(18, self.Move_Enemies)
# Set the Initial Position of Enemies
def Set_Enemies(self):
for Enemy in range(self.Number_Of_Enemies):
x = numpy.random.randint(960) # ? Use x = random.randint(0, 960) if numpy not available
y = numpy.random.randint(20, 270) # ? Use y = random.randint(20, 270) if numpy not available
Enemy = Can.create_polygon([x, y, x + 20, y + 20, x + 40, y], outline = "Red", fill = "Red")
# Start the Game
def Start_Game(self):
# Placing the Widgets
# Binding the Keys to move the Player
Window.bind("<Key>", self.Move_Player)
def Move_Player(self, event):
Direction = event.keysym
# Checking if the Left Arroe button id clicked
if Direction == "Left":
# Moving the Player to Left Direction
Can.move(Player, -10, 0)
# Checking if the Right Arroe button id clicked
elif Direction == "Right":
# Moving the Player to Left Direction
Can.move(Player, 10, 0)
elif Direction == "Up":
def Move_Enemy_Down(self):
for Enemy in self.Enemies:
Can.move(Enemy, 0, 30)
Window.after(3000, self.Move_Enemy_Down)
def Fire(self):
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = Can.coords(Player)
Missile = Can.create_oval(x2 - 3, y2 - 6, x2 + 3, y2, outline = "Yellow", fill = "Yellow")
def Move_Missile(self):
for Missile in self.Missiles:
Can.move(Missile, 0, self.Missile_Speed)
Mx1, My1, Mx2, My2 = Can.coords(Missile)
if My1 < 0:
for Enemy in self.Enemies:
Ex1, Ey1, Ex2, Ey2, Ex3, Ey3 = Can.coords(Enemy)
if My1 >= Ey1 and My1 <= Ey3 or My1 >= Ey2 and My1 <= Ey3:
if Mx1 >= Ex1 and Mx1 <= Ex3 or Mx2 >= Ex1 and Mx2 >= Ex3:
self.Enemies_Speed.pop(self.Enemies.index(Enemy)) # ValueError: (1-5) is not in list
Window.after(18, self.Move_Missile)
# Initializing Game Window
Window = Tk()
Window.title("Space Shooter")
# Defining the Game Canvas
Can = Canvas(Window, background = "Black", height = 630, width = 1000)
Player = Can.create_polygon(280, 620, 300, 600, 320, 620, fill = "Blue", outline = "Blue")
# Calling the Set_Game Class
Game = Set_Game(Window)
# Adding Mainloop
Now I have a of problems here, the speed of the missile gets increased each time than the previous one, after firing nearly 20 bullets, it catches in insane speed. I don't know why it's happening, but I have a suspect in the
for Missile in self.Missiles:
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
question from: