So my take on it is your "i need something like this" is a representation of the objects you want; 3 CalendarMonth each with a populated Month_Scope list, which are MonthScopes (4 of them)
First, I'd really like to tweak your classes a bit, for one - to remove the dodgy property names and for two - to add a couple of constructors that will construct the class from a datarow. You could structure this some other way if you like (e.g. shared FromDataRow method or factory), or you could merge this logic back into your LINQ statement if you want.. I did it as constructors because I feel it keeps it cleaner and on-point to have it that way:
Public Class CalendarMonth
Public Property RunName As String
Public Property MonthScopes As New List(Of MonthScope)
Public Sub New(rn As String, ms As IEnumerable(Of DataRow))
RunName = rn
MonthScopes = ms.Select(Function(msro) New MonthScope(msro)).ToList()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class MonthScope
Public Property Yyyy As Integer?
Public Property MM As Integer?
Public Property Mon As String
Public Sub New(ms As DataRow)
If Not ms.IsNull("h_yyyy") Then Yyyy = CInt(ms("h_yyyy"))
If Not ms.IsNull("h_mm") Then MM = CInt(ms("h_mm"))
If Not ms.IsNull("h_mon") Then Mon = CStr(ms("h_mon"))
End Sub
End Class
Then you have a LINQ statement of, which is a lot nicer:
Dim calendarMonthList = dt.AsEnumerable() _
.GroupBy(Function(r) CStr(r("run_name"))) _
.Select(Function(g) New CalendarMonth(g.Key, g)) _