The solutions shown in the question consist of non-overlapping vectors so we assume that that is a requirement so that we are looking to partition the target into disjoint vectors that cover it. If the vectors may overlap then instead of using = or == in the constraints involving A below use >=.
The assumed problem is known as a set partitioning problem and the problem with overlaps is known as a set covering problem.
Assuming the list of vectors L and the target shown in the Note at the end form the objective (all one's), incidence matrix A of vectors, animals and the right hand of the constraint equations rhs
derived from the target and run the linear program shown.
If a solution is found then we add a constraint that will eliminate it in the next iteration by insisting that at least one of its zeros be one. We iterate 5 times (i.e. up to 5 solutions) or until we can find no more solutions.
We show a solution using the lpSolveAPI package and then in the section after that repeat it using the CVXR package.
animals <- sort(unique(unlist(L)))
A <- +outer(animals, L, Vectorize(`%in%`))
rownames(A) <- animals
nr <- nrow(A)
nc <- ncol(A)
rhs <- rownames(A) %in% target
lp <- make.lp(nr, nc)
set.objfn(lp, rep(1, nc))
for(i in 1:nr) add.constraint(lp, A[i, ], "=", rhs[i])
for(j in 1:nc) set.type(lp, j, type = "binary")
soln <- solns <- NULL
for(s in 1:5) {
if (!is.null(soln)) add.constraint(lp, 1-soln, ">=", 1)
if (solve(lp) != 0) break
soln <- get.variables(lp)
solns <- c(solns, list(names(L)[soln == 1]))
## [[1]]
## [1] "e" "f"
## [[2]]
## [1] "b" "d" "e"
An alternative to lpSolve is CVXR. We use nc, A and rhs from above. Below we find up to 5 solutions.
x <- Variable(nc, boolean = TRUE)
objective <- Minimize(sum(x))
constraints <- list(A %*% x == matrix(rhs))
solns <- soln <- NULL
for(i in 1:5) {
if (!is.null(soln)) constraints <- c(constraints, sum((1 - soln) * x) >= 1)
prob <- Problem(objective, constraints)
result <- solve(prob)
if (result$status != "optimal") break
soln <- result$getValue(x)
solns <- c(solns, list(names(L)[soln == 1]))
## [[1]]
## [1] "e" "f"
## [[2]]
## [1] "b" "d" "e"
L <- within(list(), {
a <- c("giraffe", "dolphin", "pig")
b <- c("elephant" , "pig")
c <- c("zebra","cobra","spider","porcupine")
d <- c("porcupine")
e <- c("spider","cobra")
f <- c("elephant","pig","porcupine")
L <- L[order(names(L))]
target<- c("elephant" , "pig","cobra","spider","porcupine")