I have decided to make a textbased adventure game (Think BBC Micro!) to help me learn.
So far it is going pretty well, but I wondered if there was a way to reuse the code that asks the user for the next action without retyping the whole thing. I assume there is a way to create a function and then simply recall that function each time it is required, but I cannot work out how to do it.
The most common scenario I would use this is when asking the user which direction they want to travel (L, F, R) at the moment I'm doing it like this:
print("You have arrived at... To your left (L) is ... , ahead (F) is ... To your right (R) is...")
direction = str(input("Which direction do you wish to go? (L/F/R) "))
if direction.upper() not in ("L", "F", "R"):
print("whats does {} mean? You were meant to type 'L', 'F' or 'R'! Try again..".format(direction))
elif direction.upper() == "L":
print("You turn left and find...")
elif direction.upper() == "F":
print("You go forward and find...")
elif direction.upper() == "R":
print("You turn right and find...")
How could I reuse this code for each new direction without retyping (copy/pasting) it at every turn?
Also is there a way to fill the print(")
under each direction by directing the code to a new variable?
I'm thinking along the lines of placing it in a loop so that each time the if statement runs it increments by 1, then I could list all the responses to each action and simply assign them a name of L1, L2, L3...F1, F2, F3...R1, R2, R3. This way the text can be created in a block rather than included in every if/elif statement, it could then be placed inside a print()
command by taking the direction (L, F, R) value and the loop count (1, 2, 3) and combining them to give the name of the variable (F3).
The text appears, then runs the loop again asking for the next direction.
Would this be an appropriate way of doing it and if so how do I assign the if
statement to a recallable function?
my code so far:
first_name = input("What is your first name? ")
last_name = input("What is your last name? ")
while True:
middle = input("Do you have a middle name? (y/n) ")
if middle.upper() not in ("Y", "N"):
print("whats does {} mean? You were meant to type 'y' or 'n'! Try again.." .format(middle))
elif middle.upper() == "Y":
middle_name = input("What is it? ")
elif middle.upper() == "N":
middle_name = None
# is_middle_empty = bool(middle_name)
# print(is_middle_empty)
print("So your full name is {} {} {}? ".format(first_name, '' if middle_name is None else middle_name, last_name))
import time
just_first = str(input("Should I just call you {}? (y/n) ".format(first_name)))
if just_first.upper() == "Y":
player = first_name
print("Great, nice to meet you", player)
elif just_first.upper() != "Y":
name = first_name, "" if middle_name is None else middle_name, last_name
player = " ".join(name)
print("Sorry about that, let's stick to {} then." .format(player))
def getUserDirection():
direction = str(input("Which direction do you wish to go? (L/F/R) "))
direction = direction.upper()
if direction.upper() not in ("L", "F", "R"):
print("whats does {} mean? You were meant to type 'y' or 'n'! Try again..".format(direction))
elif direction.upper() == "L":
elif direction.upper() == "F":
elif direction.upper() == "R":
def start():
print("You have arrived at ... To your left (L) is ..., ahead (F) is ... To your right (R) is ...")
def L1():
print("you go left")
def F1():
print("You continue forward")
def R1():
print("You turn right")
adventure = input("So do you fancy a quick adventure? (y/n) ")
if adventure.upper() == "Y":
print("Great then lets set off...")
elif adventure.upper() == "N":
print("Ah well, I guess we can't all be ubercool adventurers like me, fairwell {}, I hope we meet again some day." .format(player))
the output is:
What is your first name? b
What is your last name? m
Do you have a middle name? (y/n) n
So your full name is b m?
Should I just call you b? (y/n) y
Great, nice to meet you b
So do you fancy a quick adventure? (y/n) y
Great then lets set off...
You have arrived at ... To your left (L) is ..., ahead (F) is ... To your right (R) is ...
Which direction do you wish to go? (L/F/R) f
You continue forward
Process finished with exit code 0
I've highlighted the "None" returns, why are they there?
question from: