Interesting question! This is not a vectorized solution but it will work on a column by column basis.
First setting up the data to give the tests - setting the index to date so we are not reliant on the index number to help
A = [np.nan, np.nan, 5.5, 5.7, 5.9, 6.1, 6.0, 5.9, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan,15.0]
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A}, index=pd.date_range(start='2010', periods=len(A), freq="QS"))
2010-01-01 NaN
2010-04-01 NaN
2010-07-01 5.5
2010-10-01 5.7
2011-01-01 5.9
2011-04-01 6.1
2011-07-01 6.0
2011-10-01 5.9
2012-01-01 NaN
2012-04-01 NaN
2012-07-01 NaN
2012-10-01 15.0
and then
for id in df[df.A.isnull() == True].index:
df.loc[id, 'A'] = 1.025 * df.A.shift().loc[id]
2010-01-01 NaN
2010-04-01 NaN
2010-07-01 5.500000
2010-10-01 5.700000
2011-01-01 5.900000
2011-04-01 6.100000
2011-07-01 6.000000
2011-10-01 5.900000
2012-01-01 6.047500
2012-04-01 6.198687
2012-07-01 6.353655
2012-10-01 15.000000
now you need to loop through the columns that you want to fill forward