Is it possible to change the spatial references of a map without providing a basemap? I would like to use a custom spatial reference so I can use custom lods.
In the sample below, if I uncomment the "streets" basemap the 6 features are rendered on the map.
But with it commented out I only see the vertical features because the map remains in 4326 and the 3857 points are not visible.
Assigning a value to the map.spatialReference has no effect.
Is it possible to impose a default spatial reference on the map without using a basemap? In the code below I tried using center, extent and direct assignment to the spatialReference but the only thing that worked was using the "streets" basemap, which I do not want to use.
import Map from "esri/map";
import SpatialReference from "esri/SpatialReference";
import Scalebar from "esri/dijit/Scalebar";
import GraphicsLayer from "esri/layers/GraphicsLayer";
import Graphic from "esri/graphic";
import Point from "esri/geometry/Point";
import Extent from "esri/geometry/Extent";
import SimpleMarkerSymbol from "esri/symbols/SimpleMarkerSymbol";
import SimpleLineSymbol from "esri/symbols/SimpleLineSymbol";
import Color from "esri/Color";
import * as projection from "esri/geometry/projection";
import "dojo/domReady!";
const range = (n: number) => {
return new Array(n).fill(n).map((_, i) => i);
const createMarker = (color: number) =>
new SimpleMarkerSymbol(
new SimpleLineSymbol(),
new Color([color, color, color, 1])
const baselineResolution = 156543.03408771486;
const baselineScale = 591657527.591555;
const lods = range(30).map((i) => {
const level = i;
const resolution = baselineResolution / Math.pow(2, level);
const scale = baselineScale / Math.pow(2, level);
return { level, resolution, scale, levelValue: "level" };
export async function run() {
await projection.load();
const srs3857 = new SpatialReference({ wkid: 3857 });
const srs4326 = new SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 });
console.log({ lods });
const center = new Point(-9462156, 4300621, srs3857);
const extent = new Extent(
center.x - 1000,
center.y - 1000,
center.x + 1000,
center.y + 1000,
// zoom levels are broken without specifying a basemap
const map = new Map("map", {
//basemap: "streets",
center, // does not set the map srs
extent, // does not set the map srs
lods: lods,
zoom: 14,
console.log(map.spatialReference); // undefined
map.spatialReference = srs3857; // has no affect?
new Scalebar({ map: map, scalebarUnit: "dual" });
const graphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
// these do not render
[-85, -85.01, -84.99]
(x) => projection.project(new Point(x, 36.0, srs4326), srs3857) as Point
.forEach((p, i) =>
graphicsLayer.add(new Graphic(p, createMarker(i * 10), {}))
// these do render
[36, 36.01, 35.99]
(y) => projection.project(new Point(-85, y, srs4326), srs4326) as Point
.forEach((p, i) =>
graphicsLayer.add(new Graphic(p, createMarker(i * 10), {}))
I did find this one trick that sets the map up correctly but I would prefer a real solution:
// trick to get the map to work properly
map.on("load", () =>
setTimeout(() => map.removeLayer(map.getLayer(map.basemapLayerIds[0])), 0)
question from: