To perform this kind of validation that forces a Jekyll build to fail would require a custom plugin, so the ability to do that would depend on how you're using GitHub pages: To build and host, or to host only?
If you are using GitHub pages for building the website for you (i.e. you check-in the Jekyll code and markdown, and GitHub generates the HTML/CSS/JS, etc. automatically), then it cannot be done, because GitHub does not support custom plugins. You'd have to create a separate process that you can run locally to validate the files directly.
If you are using GitHub pages only for hosting only (i.e. you build your site on a machine you can control, and only check-in the generated HTML/CSS/JS to GitHub pages) then you could use a Generator or a Liquid filter.
The main difference is that with a generator you can analyze all files, collect all the errors found, and then show all the errors you found across all pages. A generator would look something this (example / untested code):
module RequiredReviewModule
class RequiredReviewGenerator < Jekyll::Generator
def generate(site)
errors = do |p|
unless['required_reviews'].any? {
errors = "On #{p.title}: is missing"
errors.each do |error|
puts error
raise "Validation errors occurred"
A Liquid filter, you would invoke it from the liquid template with an error message that is then used to raise an exception (example / untested code):
module Jekyll
module RequiredReviewsFilter
def raise_error(msg)
invalid_file = @context.registers[:page]['path']
err_msg = "On #{invalid_file}: #{msg}"
raise err_msg
From your template you would check the field and call your Liquid filter in order to cause the build to fail:
{% unless page.required_reviews %}
{{ "The field required_reviews is required" | raise_error }}
{% endunless %}
One important aspect of using a Liquid filter is that the build will stop as soon as it finds the first page that doesn't have the required_reviews
field, so if you prefer to see all the errors at once, then the Generator would be the way to go.