I am using EF Core 2.2, I will update to 5 when I feel comfortable.
At the moment I am trying to find any source for searching in big tables I have good modelled tables 1 main table and a few tables for features like gender, address, last purchase, reviewed products etc.
- EF was really slow about this, so I used dapper and calling a stored
- I want to filter this data which almost 5.5GB (470k rows and it is
going to bigger, 31 columns, 7 tables, each table +15 column).
- I have 5 different filters it has to be fast. Because The procedure
is responding estimated 1 min
I can't use something like this
select name from users where username like '%john%'
select name from users where charindex('john',username) > 0
It should be dynamic
I have to do something like this I tried some different methods but still is slow. I have 5 filters and 1 date declare. User can send 5 or 4 or 3 filters or nothing.
- method I have tried, and I read from a blog using 'or' is really reducing performance
where (SaOr.InsertDate between ISNULL(@StartDate,'1900-01-01') and ISNULL(DATEADD(DAY, 1, @DueDate),@TOMORROW))
and (@ProductName is null or SaOrPr.Name like '%' + @ProductName + '%')
and (@PaymentType is null or LEN(@PaymentType)> LEN(REPLACE(@PaymentType,PaymentMethodId,'')) )
and (@Channel is null or LEN(@Channel)> LEN(REPLACE(@Channel,SaOr.ChannelId,'')))
and (@SalesType is null or LEN(@SalesType)> LEN(REPLACE(@SalesType,SalesOrderTypeId,'')) )
and (@SalesStatus is null or LEN(@SalesStatus)> LEN(REPLACE(@SalesStatus,StatusId,'')) )
- method I have tried, without 'or' but it was slower then 1.
where (SaOr.InsertDate between ISNULL(@StartDate,'1920-01-01') and ISNULL(DATEADD(DAY, 1, @DueDate),@TOMORROW))
AND (SELECT CHARINDEX(ISNULL(ISNULL(@ProductName,SaOrPr.[Name]),' '),ISNULL(SaOrPr.[Name],' '))) >0
AND (SELECT CHARINDEX(ISNULL(CAST(PaymentMethodId AS VARCHAR(38)),' '),ISNULL(ISNULL(@PaymentType,PaymentMethodId),' '))) >0
AND (SELECT CHARINDEX(ISNULL(CAST(SaOr.ChannelId AS VARCHAR(38)),' '),ISNULL(ISNULL(@Channel,SaOr.ChannelId),' '))) >0
AND (SELECT CHARINDEX(ISNULL(CAST(SalesOrderTypeId AS VARCHAR(38)),' '),ISNULL(ISNULL(@SalesType,SalesOrderTypeId),' '))) >0
AND (SELECT CHARINDEX(ISNULL(CAST(StatusId AS VARCHAR(38)),' '),ISNULL(ISNULL(@SalesStatus,StatusId),' '))) >0
question from: