I have to get a dropdown menu and attach the router link to other component and one dialog component for dialog box in it.
<td align="center"> <v-btn round class="mx-2 dropdown-menu" fab small v-bind:style="displayClass(key[2])" v-bind:key="key[1]" v-for="(key) in props.item[6]"> <div> <!--option 1--> <router-link :to="{ name : 'modifyinfo', params:{prip : key[0], Name : props.item[1], pripId : key[1]}}"> {{displaycase(key[0])}} </router-link> <!--option 2--> <dialog :prip_name=props.item[1] :prip_info=key[0]>{{displaycase(key[0])}}</dialog> </div> </v-btn> </td>
I need to get the router link and dialog as option in dropdown in the div. Kindly help.
I don't understand your question. You want to render the router-link and dialog component when the user hovers on the buttons? or click?
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