The most likely reason for your issue, is that your Map.txt
file was saved with UTF8 encoding, and your batch file has not told cmd.exe to use anything other than the default codepage.
The simplest way to change that, other than changing the encoding of your text file, is to change your codepage to something which can read UTF8 characters, i.e. codepage 65001.
@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions
Rem Determining, and saving to a variable, your current codepage.
Set "codepage=" & For /F "Tokens=*" %%G In (''
) Do For %%H In (%%G) Do If Not %%~nH Equ 65001 (Set "codepage=%%~nH" 65001 1> NUL)
Echo typing your text file using codepage 65001 & Echo(
Type "C:UsersmehidDesktopCommand prompt gameStuff for coders ;)Map.txt"
Rem Changing your codepage back to what it was previously.
If Defined codepage %codepage% 1> NUL
Echo typing your text file using your original codepage, [%codepage%]. & Echo(
Type "C:UsersmehidDesktopCommand prompt gameStuff for coders ;)Map.txt"